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Preferensi Perubahan Rute terhadap Informasi Kondisi Rute Mudik

Change route preferences based on temporary migration route condition information

*Hendra Hendrawan  -  Institute of Road Engineering. Agency of Research and Development. Ministry of Public Works and Housing., Indonesia

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Mudik is an annual community activity in Indonesia that is carried out simultaneously and in a short time. The government has made various physical or non-physical efforts to reduce the negative impacts arising from Mudik activity. One effort is by providing information related to the condition of Mudik routes. Study of preferences of travelers for changing Mudik routes after obtaining information is needed to anticipate these differences in decisions. The method used in the study is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis and uses non-parametric statistical analysis with McNemar and ChiSquare K free samples test to determine whether there are differences in decisions after providing information and differences in preferences for route changes based on factors. The study results show that the factors that cause the same route decisions for travelers who regularly Mudik with private vehicles are the fastest route, and there is no other route choice. The analysis shows that for both factors there is a preference of travelers to change the route by 68.5%, uncertainty by 15%, and not change the route by 16.5%. This study also shows there are differences in decisions after providing information, and there are no differences in route change preferences based on factors.
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Keywords: Travelers preferences; route changing; information; mudik route condition

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Last update: 2025-03-12 19:35:56

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