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Kinerja Ketidakberaturan Kekakuan Struktur Menggunakan Metode DDBD dan CSM

Structural Stiffness Irregular Performance Using the DDBD and CSM Method

Ika Nurelisa  -  Civil Department state polytecnic of jakarta, Indonesia
*Amalia Amalia  -  Civil Department state polytecnic of jakarta, Indonesia

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The current earthquake-resistant building planning concept leads to a performance-based design concept. In this study, the direct displacement based design (DDBD) method was used to design the earthquake load and the capacity spectrum method (CSM) to determine the level of building performance using pushover analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the performance of regular buildings with buildings that have irregular soft story stiffness. The building to be reviewed in this study consists of 3 variations of the building with a total of 8 floors. Variation A of regular buildings, Variation B of buildings with irregularity of soft story stiffness on the 1st floor, and Variation C of buildings with irregularity of soft story stiffness on the 5th floor. The maximum displacement value occurs in Variation C, the X direction is 0.281m and the Y direction is 0.304m. The mechanism for the occurrence of plastic joints in variations A, B, and C is in accordance with the strength column weak beam design concept. The earliest collapses occurred in Variation B buildings and the last occurred in Variation A buildings. Performance of variations A, B, and C structures using the CSM method was at the level of Damage Control.

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Keywords: Capacity spectrum method; DDBD; performance level; pushover analysis; soft story

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Last update: 2025-03-06 01:35:21

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