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Evaluasi Banjir di Kecamatan Bula Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur

Flood Evaluation in Bula District Seram Bagian Timur

*Febryhandi Eka Kusuma Putra  -  BWS Maluku, Ditjen SDA, Kementerian PUPR, Indonesia
Ahmad Zaki Romadhoni  -  BWS Maluku, Ditjen SDA, Kementerian PUPR, Indonesia
Idham Riyando Moe  -  Ditjen SDA, Kementerian PUPR, Indonesia

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Bula District is strategic region in Seram Bagian Timur Regency which often experienced flood event especially in downstream areas. Flood Event that occurs causing loss of materials, even human life. This research was conducted to identify inundation that caused by the flood using two-dimensional inundation model. Model’s component consists of three part those are hydrology module, flood routing and inland flooding. Flood simulation result was calibrated with flood observation map in Bula District. Flood simulation resulted with flood discharge 25-year times period shows that inundation area that probably happen in Bula District is 5,4 km2 and flood volume that probably happen is 7,406,708 m3. Bila Besar Watershed contribute >70% to flood event that occurs based on inundation area and flood volume. Based on map overlay between simulation result into Satellite Google Imagery shows that 31.8% of 2,390 unit building in Bula District probably inundated by flood.


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Keywords: Inundation model; flood routing; flood evaluation; Maluku

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Last update: 2025-01-12 14:14:33

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