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Pemodelan Numerikal Kestabilan Lereng Batulempung (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Sumedang-Cirebon Km 68+750)

Numerical Modeling of Claystone Slope Stability (Case Study of the Sumedang-Cirebon Road Section Km 68+750)

*Dimas Athhariyadi Wahab  -  National Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Adrin Tohari  -  Geotechnology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency Bandung, Indonesia
Indra Noer Hamdhan  -  National Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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The Sumedang-Cirebon Km 68+750 road section is a national road and an important transportation infrastructure in West Java. Albeit the road section's slope has previously been strengthened with bored pile reinforcement, the slope continues to move. This study's objective is to examine slope stability by considering earthquake loads and to suggest improvements for efficient slope reinforcement. Slope stability analysis utilizing PLAXIS 2D program based on the finite element method and DMT-KD Method which is the result of field testing using the Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT)). PLAXIS modeling results show that the slope failure line is deeper below the bored pile reinforcement. The results of the analysis using DMT-KD method showed similar slope failure, the conclusion is DMT-KD method can be the initial basis for slope stability analysis on mudstone. The PLAXIS modeling results obtained a static safety factor of 1.113 and a safety factor due to an earthquake of <1, both of which fall short of the requirements of minimum of 1.5 for static loads and 1.4 for earthquake loads. The body of the road develops cracked as a result of this issue. Additional reinforcement modeling is carried out using bored piles and gabions. As shown in the results of additional reinforcement modeling, bored pile reinforcement that reaches below the slope failure line is more successful than gabion reinforcement at the slope's base in raising the safety factor.

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Keywords: Slope stability; safety factor; PLAXIS 2D; earthquake

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Last update: 2025-03-11 18:49:56

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