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Evaluasi Kinerja Seismik Struktur Menara Sabilulungan 99 Kabupaten Bandung dengan Metode Analisis Statis Nonlinear Pushover

Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Sabilulungan 99 Tower Structure in Bandung Regency with Nonlinear Pushover Static Analysis Method

*Erizal Erizal orcid scopus publons  -  Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, IPB University, Indonesia
Naufal Rifqi Arrafi  -  Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, IPB University, Indonesia
Sekar Mentari  -  Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, IPB University, Indonesia

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One of the regions with high earthquake vulnerability is Java Island. The Sabilulungan 99 Tower, located in Bandung Regency, is a tower with a reinforced concrete structure that features a moment-resisting frame system. The structure's period is 2.6 seconds. The mass participation ratio obtained reaches values above 90% in both the x and y directions in the 9th vibration mode. The base shear force obtained when the performance point is reached in the post-elastic analysis is 10,402.90 kN in the x direction and 10,178.88 kN in the y direction. The lateral displacement of the roof in the x and y directions is 568.53 mm and 602.51 mm, respectively, when the structure's performance point is reached. Based on the structural deformation parameters according to FEMA 356 guidelines, the structure's performance level is Life Safety (LS). The structure's ductility in the x and y directions is 1.7 and 2.4, respectively, classifying the structure as having low ductility in the x direction and moderate ductility in the y direction.

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Keywords: earthquake load; pushover analysis; seismic performance; ductility; sabilulungan 99 tower

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Last update: 2025-02-11 10:38:20

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