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Peningkatan Stabilitas Campuran Aspal Emulsi Bergradasi Rapat dengan Filler Semen

*Sri Widodo  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
Agus Riyanto  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia

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Dense graded emulsion mix is the mixture of asphalt concrete by cold mix method that friendly with environment. However this mixture have weakness, that are low stability and the processing to attain the maximum stability is very slow since have to wait the evaporation of all water from the emulsion asphalt. The aim of this research is to investigate the increasing and accelerating the stability of dense graded emulsion mix by using cement filler. Research was done by making 5 type of cement filler in dense graded emulsion mixture with emulsion asphalt CSS-1 as binder material. The mixture characteristic was examined by marshall method. The result show that addition cement filler decrease the optimum water content at mixing and compaction process, and asphalt content. The average stability increase 84.6 kg per 1% of cement filler, while after 4 days soaking in water this figure increased to 107.7 kg per 1% of cement filler. Accelerating the stability of emulsion mixture without filler cement is 30.73 kg/day for unsoaked condition and 27.39 kg/day after 4 day soaking. For mixture with 3% filler cement, the acceleration of stability are 27.6 kg/day for 4 days soaking and 23.57 kg/day for unsoaked specimen.

Keywords : Emulsion asphalt mixture, Cement filler, Stability.




Campran aspal emulsi bergradasi rapat merupakan campuran beton aspal dengan cara dingin yang ramah lingkungan. Akan tetapi campuran tersebut mempunyai kelemahan, yaitu stabilitasnya rendah dan proses pencapaian stabilitasnya lambat karena harus menunggu penguapan semua air yang berada dalam aspal emulsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan dan percepatan stabilitas campuran aspal emulsi bergradasi rapat dengan menggunakan filler semen. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara membuat 5 macam variasi filler semen terhadap campuran aspal emulsi bergradasi rapat dengan bahan perekat aspal emulsi CSS-1. Karakteristik campuran diperiksa dengan metode Marshall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan filler semen menyebabkan menurunnya kadar air optimum pencampuran dan pemadatan serta kadar aspal optimum campuran. Stabilitas campuran rata-rata bertambah 84,6kg per 1% kadar filler semen sedangkan setelah direndam air selama 4 hari stabilitasnya rata-rata naik 107,7 kg per 1% kadar filler semen. Percepatan stabilitasnya campuran tanpa filler semen adalah sebesar 30,73kg/hari dalam kondisi kering dan 27,39 kg/hari setelah direndam 4 hari. Untuk campuran dengan filler semen 3% perceptan stabilitas adalah 27,6 kg/hari untuk benda uji yang direndam air selama 4 hari dan 23,57 kh/hari untuk benda uji tanpa direndam air.

Kata-kata Kunci : Campuran aspal emulsi, Filler semen, Stabilitas
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Keywords: Emulsion asphalt mixture; Cement filler; Stability; Campuran aspal emulsi; Filler semen; Stabilitas

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Last update: 2025-03-13 11:36:02

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