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*Bangun I. R Harsritanto orcid scopus  -  Departemen Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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On this Vol 23 no1, MODUL has published 7 scienteific articles and an event report. The event report had spotted the new regulation that will transform the architectural society, one concept of arsitektur nabati which offered as response of COVID, and the transformation by demand of people. With compiling the information of all published articles, this editorial try to provide a resume using theory by Loye and Aisler that identity the transformation and chaos.

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Keywords: tranformation; chaos; design; naturaly
  1. Ismail, M. K., Hayati, A., & Setijanti, P. (2023) Manifestasi Struktur Keluarga Besar Pada Guna Ruang Domestik Hunian Multigenerasi. MODUL, 23(1), 10-21
  2. Loye, D. (1978). The knowable future: A psychology of forecasting and prophecy. New York Wiley-Interscience. iUniverse
  3. Loye, D., & Eisler, R. (1987). Chaos and transformation: Implications of nonequilibrium theory for social science and society. Behavioral science, 32(1), 53-65
  4. Meliansari, s. R., & ellisa, e. (2023) The placelessness of kampung kapitan palembang: cagar budaya di ambang kehancuran. MODUL, 23(1), 50-59
  5. Riskiyanto, R. (2023) Apprenticeship program for prospective professional indonesian architects. MODUL, 23(1)
  6. Riswanto, M., Sari, S. R., & Rukayah, R. S. (2023) Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Akibat Perkembangan Pariwisata Di Desa Wisata Dieng Kulon Banjarnegara. MODUL, 23(1), 60-67
  7. Sekarlangit, N., & Satwiko, P. (2023) Arsitektur Nabati: Respon Ruang Paska Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia. MODUL, 23(1), 1-9
  8. Sukawi, S., Hardiman, G., & Rukayah, R. S. Cultural Acculturation in the Landlord Family Residence in Kampung Kulitan Semarang. MODUL, 23(1), 30-36
  9. Suwondo, G. E., Sunaryo, R. G., & Damayanti, R. (2023). Pengaruh elemen persisten terhadap kualitas street front kawasan alun-alun kota banyuwangi. MODUL, 23(1), 30-36
  10. Wardhani, M. K., & Wang, Z. (2023) Spatial Dialogues of Historic Alley through Serial Vision Theory (Case Study: Pontocho Roji and Jalan Rukunan). MODUL, 23(1), 22-29

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