BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Reaktor6097, author = {Darmawan Darmawan and Dyah Suryaningtyas and Juniska Sariningpuri}, title = {PENERAPAN ELEKTROOSMOSIS UNTUK PENGERINGAN SLUDGE DARI PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, year = {2013}, keywords = {dewatering; elektroosmosis; sludge; limbah}, abstract = { APPLICATION OF ELECTROOSMOSIS FOR DEWATERING OF SLUDGE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT. Wastewater treatment produces semi-solid residue (sludge) that must be handled carefully during dumping and discharge to avoid polluting the environment. A low cost and easy treatment of dewatering is needed. This research aim ed to apply electroosmosis technique for dewatering sludge in order to seek for parameters that can efficiently reduce water content of sludge, including range of voltage, type of electrodes , and distance between electrodes ; and to determine the effect of ele ctroosmosis processes on changes of chemical characteristics of sludge. The results showed that: (1) ele ctroosmosis dewatering occurred on the sludge taken from waste water treatment of landfill but not on sludge from water purification plant (PDAM), (2) direct current voltage of 30 volts was the optimum voltage, (3) copper rod cathode provided ele ctroosmosis process as good as stainless steel cathode and both were better than the woven stainless steel cathode, (4) the d ewatering time to reduce 1200% (w/w) water content to about 400% was about 40 hours for sludge of 2500 cm 3 in volume (laboratory bench scale), (5) the anode need to reinserted gradually approaching the cathode due to current lost when the water content at the anode point reached 400% and sludge at the point shrink, and (6) some chemical elements in the sludge decreased significantly after treatment. Pengolahan limbah cair menghasilkan residu berupa bahan semi padat yang dikenal sebagai sludge. Sludge tersebut juga perlu dikelola penyimpanan dan pembuangannya agar tidak mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu pengelolaan sludge yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengeringan (dewatering). Salahsatu teknik dewatering yang mungkin diterapkan ialah teknik elektroosmosis, yaitu teknik yang memanfaatkan adanya pergerakan air pada media poros di dalam medan istrik searah. Penelitian ini ber tujuan untuk mencari parameter sistem dewatering secara elektroosmosis yang dapat menurunkan kadar air sludge paling efisien dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh elektroosmosis terhadap karakteristik kimia sludge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengeringan sludge terjadi pada jenis sludge IPAL TPA namun tidak pada jenis lumpur PDAM; (2) tegangan listrik searah sekitar 30 volt merupakan tegangan optimum; (3) katoda batang tembaga menghasilkan proses elektroosmosis yang sebanding katoda batang stainless steel dan lebih baik dibanding katoda stainless steel anyam; (4) waktu pengeringan dari kadar air awal 1200% (b/b) h ingga kadar air akhir sekitar 400% untuk volume sludge 2500 cm 3 (skala laboratorium) sekitar 40 jam; (5) anoda perlu dipindahkan secara bertahap mendekati katoda karena arus terputus pada saat sludge di titik anoda mencapai kadar air sekitar 400% dan mengalami pengerutan; dan (6) kadar beberapa unsur kimia dalam sludge menurun secara signifikan setelah perlakuan . }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {204--210} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.14.3.204-210}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
APPLICATION OF ELECTROOSMOSIS FOR DEWATERING OF SLUDGE FROM WASTE WATER TREATMENT. Wastewater treatment produces semi-solid residue (sludge) that must be handled carefully during dumping and discharge to avoid polluting the environment. A low cost and easy treatment of dewatering is needed. This research aimed to apply electroosmosis technique for dewatering sludge in order to seek for parameters that can efficiently reduce water content of sludge, including range of voltage, type of electrodes, and distance between electrodes; and to determine the effect of electroosmosis processes on changes of chemical characteristics of sludge. The results showed that: (1) electroosmosis dewatering occurred on the sludge taken from waste water treatment of landfill but not on sludge from water purification plant (PDAM), (2) direct current voltage of 30 volts was the optimum voltage, (3) copper rod cathode provided electroosmosis process as good as stainless steel cathode and both were better than the woven stainless steel cathode, (4) the dewatering time to reduce 1200% (w/w) water content to about 400% was about 40 hours for sludge of 2500 cm3 in volume (laboratory bench scale), (5) the anode need to reinserted gradually approaching the cathode due to current lost when the water content at the anode point reached 400% and sludge at the point shrink, and (6) some chemical elements in the sludge decreased significantly after treatment.
Pengolahan limbah cair menghasilkan residu berupa bahan semi padat yang dikenal sebagai sludge. Sludge tersebut juga perlu dikelola penyimpanan dan pembuangannya agar tidak mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu pengelolaan sludge yang perlu dilakukan adalah pengeringan (dewatering). Salahsatu teknik dewatering yang mungkin diterapkan ialah teknik elektroosmosis, yaitu teknik yang memanfaatkan adanya pergerakan air pada media poros di dalam medan istrik searah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari parameter sistem dewatering secara elektroosmosis yang dapat menurunkan kadar air sludge paling efisien dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh elektroosmosis terhadap karakteristik kimia sludge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengeringan sludge terjadi pada jenis sludge IPAL TPA namun tidak pada jenis lumpur PDAM; (2) tegangan listrik searah sekitar 30 volt merupakan tegangan optimum; (3) katoda batang tembaga menghasilkan proses elektroosmosis yang sebanding katoda batang stainless steel dan lebih baik dibanding katoda stainless steel anyam; (4) waktu pengeringan dari kadar air awal 1200% (b/b) hingga kadar air akhir sekitar 400% untuk volume sludge 2500 cm3 (skala laboratorium) sekitar 40 jam; (5) anoda perlu dipindahkan secara bertahap mendekati katoda karena arus terputus pada saat sludge di titik anoda mencapai kadar air sekitar 400% dan mengalami pengerutan; dan (6) kadar beberapa unsur kimia dalam sludge menurun secara signifikan setelah perlakuan.
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University