BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IJFST42097, author = {Fika Pratiwi and Mohammad Nugraha and Guskarnali Guskarnali}, title = {EVALUASI STATUS CEMARAN DAN STATUS TROFIK MUARA SUNGAI JELITIK TERKAIT KEBERADAAN KAWASAN INDUSTRI JELITIK (Evaluation of Jelitik Estuary Status Related to The Existence of Jelitik Industrial Area)}, journal = {Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, year = {2022}, keywords = {dampak; estuaria; industri; polusi; status trofik}, abstract = { Wilayah Jelitik merupakan kawasan industri berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah, Kabupaten Bangka Nomer 3 Tahun 2005. Penyempitan alur sungai maupun muara sungai Jelitik akibat sedimentasi merupakan salah satu dampak yang kini dirasakan oleh masyarakat karena adanya aktivitas antropogenik di hulu, aktivitas industri maupun aktivitas tambang timah di wilayah tersebut. Potensi peningkatan kesuburan perairan maupun peningkatan pencemaran muara sungai dapat berasal dari point source seperti industri atau non point source dari kawasan industri Jelitik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis status trofik muara sungai Jelitik berdasarkan trophic state index (TSI) dan menganalisis status cemaran berdasarkan metode storet dan CCME WQI. Enam lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling, sedangkan pengukuran parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi dilakukan pada bulan April dan Agustus tahun 2021. Berdasarkan index storet, enam lokasi di wilayah muara sungai Jelitik tersebut berstatus masih baik/tercemar ringan, sedangkan berdasarkan CCME WQI dapat dikategorikan baik sampai dengan cukup baik. Lokasi penelitian dapat dikategorikan sebagai perairan yang bersifat oligotrofik berdasarkan analisis TSI. Potensi degradasi kualitas maupun kuantitas wilayah muara sungai Jelitik memerlukan upaya pengelolaan terintegrasi dan strategi yang efektif dan efisien dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Jelitik is located in Bangka regency and it categorized as an industrial area based on Regional Regulation, Bangka Regency Number 3 in 2005. The Jelitik river channel and estuary received high sediment input and it become shallower due to anthropogenic activities in upstream, industrial activities and tin mining activities around the area. The potential for nutrient enrichment and increasing river estuary pollution can come from point sources such as industry or non-point sources from the Jelitik industrial area. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to analyze the trophic state of the Jelitik river estuary based on the trophic state index (TSI) and analyze the contamination status based on the Storet index method and CCME WQI. Six locations were determined by purposive sampling, while physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed in April and August 2021. Based on the location index, the six locations in the Jelitik river estuary area were still good/lightly polluted, while based on the CCME WQI, it was classified as good to fair. The research location can be categorized as oligotrophic based on TSI. The potential of quality and quantity degradation of the Jelitik estuary area requires an integrated effort and an effective and efficient strategy in overcoming the existing problems . }, issn = {2549-0885}, pages = {86--92} doi = {10.14710/ijfst.18.2.86-92}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Wilayah Jelitik merupakan kawasan industri berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah, Kabupaten Bangka Nomer 3 Tahun 2005. Penyempitan alur sungai maupun muara sungai Jelitik akibat sedimentasi merupakan salah satu dampak yang kini dirasakan oleh masyarakat karena adanya aktivitas antropogenik di hulu, aktivitas industri maupun aktivitas tambang timah di wilayah tersebut. Potensi peningkatan kesuburan perairan maupun peningkatan pencemaran muara sungai dapat berasal dari point source seperti industri atau non point source dari kawasan industri Jelitik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis status trofik muara sungai Jelitik berdasarkan trophic state index (TSI) dan menganalisis status cemaran berdasarkan metode storet dan CCME WQI. Enam lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling, sedangkan pengukuran parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi dilakukan pada bulan April dan Agustus tahun 2021. Berdasarkan index storet, enam lokasi di wilayah muara sungai Jelitik tersebut berstatus masih baik/tercemar ringan, sedangkan berdasarkan CCME WQI dapat dikategorikan baik sampai dengan cukup baik. Lokasi penelitian dapat dikategorikan sebagai perairan yang bersifat oligotrofik berdasarkan analisis TSI. Potensi degradasi kualitas maupun kuantitas wilayah muara sungai Jelitik memerlukan upaya pengelolaan terintegrasi dan strategi yang efektif dan efisien dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada.
Jelitik is located in Bangka regency and it categorized as an industrial area based on Regional Regulation, Bangka Regency Number 3 in 2005. The Jelitik river channel and estuary received high sediment input and it become shallower due to anthropogenic activities in upstream, industrial activities and tin mining activities around the area. The potential for nutrient enrichment and increasing river estuary pollution can come from point sources such as industry or non-point sources from the Jelitik industrial area. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study was to analyze the trophic state of the Jelitik river estuary based on the trophic state index (TSI) and analyze the contamination status based on the Storet index method and CCME WQI. Six locations were determined by purposive sampling, while physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed in April and August 2021. Based on the location index, the six locations in the Jelitik river estuary area were still good/lightly polluted, while based on the CCME WQI, it was classified as good to fair. The research location can be categorized as oligotrophic based on TSI. The potential of quality and quantity degradation of the Jelitik estuary area requires an integrated effort and an effective and efficient strategy in overcoming the existing problems.
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