BibTex Citation Data :
@article{TEKNIK12647, author = {Arya Rezagama and Mochtar Hadiwidodo and Purwono Purwono and Nurul Ramadhani and Mia Yustika}, title = {Penyisihan Limbah Organik Air Lindi TPA Jatibarang Menggunakan Koagulasi-Flokulasi Kimia}, journal = {TEKNIK}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Bahan Organik; Lindi; Koagulasi-flokulasi; Organic Materials; Lindi; Coagulation-floculation}, abstract = { Air lindi yang meresap ke dalam tanah yang berpotensi bercampur dengan air tanah sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran tanah, air tanah dan air permukaan. Komposisi limbah lindi dari berbagai TPA berbeda-beda bergantung pada musim, jenis limbah, umur TPA. Proses dalam TPA menghasilkan molekul organik recalcitrant yang ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya rasio BOD/COD dan tingginya nilai NH 3 -N. Belum optimalnya pengolahan air lindi di Jatibarang membutuhkan pretreatment sebagai bentuk upaya alternatif dalam proses pengolahan air lindi sebelum masuk ke dalam proses aerated lagun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh koagulan kimia pada penyisihan bahan organik air lindi TPA Jatibarang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April- Agustus 2016. Karaktersitik air lindi TPA Jatibarang termasuk dalam kategori \"moderately stable\" dan lindi muda. Penyisihan bahan organik dengan menggunakan kuagulan kimia FeCl 3 dan Al 2 SO 4 menunjukkan nilai yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter COD, BOD, TSS. Penggunaan dosis optimal terjadi pada 16 g/L FeCl 3 serta 16 g/L Al 2 SO 4 dapat menurunkan nilai COD sebesar 51% dan 65%, BOD sebesar 50% dan 56%, dan TSS sebesar 24% dan 21%. Perubahan nilai pH akibat penambahan koagulan berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat penyisihan, namun memberikan dampak negatif yaitu buih yang cukup banyak. Penurunan beban organik menguntungkan bagi sistem pengolahan lindi eksisting TPA Jatibarang. [Title: Removal of Lindi Water Organic Waste of TPA Jatibarang using Chemical Coagulation- Floculation] Leachate grounding into the soil that potentially could mix with the groundwater caused contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water. The composition of waste landfill leachate from the various location is depending on the season, the type of waste, and landfill age. Process in the TPA produces recalcitrant organic molecules as indicated by the low ratio of BOD/COD and NH3-N high value. The ineffective treatment of leachate at Jatibarang require a pretreatment as a form of alternative effort in the processing of leachate prior to entry into the aerated lagoon process. This study aims to analyze the influence of chemical coagulants on grounding organic material Jatibarang landfill leachate. The study was conducted in April-August 2016. Jatibarang landfill leachate characteristics were categorized as \"moderately stable\" and young leachate. Allowance for organic materials using chemical coagulants of FeCl3 and Al2SO4 showed significant values for the parameters of COD, BOD, and TSS. The use of optimal dose occurs at 16 g/L FeCl3 and 16 g/L Al2SO4 which can reduce the COD value by 51% and 65%, BOD by 50% and 56%, and TSS at 24% and 21%. PH value changes due to the addition of coagulant positive effect on the level of the allowance, but a negative effect that is quite a lot of froth. The decline in organic load favorable for existing landfill leachate treatment systems Jatibarang. }, issn = {2460-9919}, pages = {78--83} doi = {10.14710/teknik.v37i2.12647}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Air lindi yang meresap ke dalam tanah yang berpotensi bercampur dengan air tanah sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran tanah, air tanah dan air permukaan. Komposisi limbah lindi dari berbagai TPA berbeda-beda bergantung pada musim, jenis limbah, umur TPA. Proses dalam TPA menghasilkan molekul organik recalcitrant yang ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya rasio BOD/COD dan tingginya nilai NH3-N. Belum optimalnya pengolahan air lindi di Jatibarang membutuhkan pretreatment sebagai bentuk upaya alternatif dalam proses pengolahan air lindi sebelum masuk ke dalam proses aerated lagun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh koagulan kimia pada penyisihan bahan organik air lindi TPA Jatibarang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April- Agustus 2016. Karaktersitik air lindi TPA Jatibarang termasuk dalam kategori "moderately stable" dan lindi muda. Penyisihan bahan organik dengan menggunakan kuagulan kimia FeCl3 dan Al2SO4 menunjukkan nilai yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter COD, BOD, TSS. Penggunaan dosis optimal terjadi pada 16 g/L FeCl3 serta 16 g/L Al2SO4 dapat menurunkan nilai COD sebesar 51% dan 65%, BOD sebesar 50% dan 56%, dan TSS sebesar 24% dan 21%. Perubahan nilai pH akibat penambahan koagulan berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat penyisihan, namun memberikan dampak negatif yaitu buih yang cukup banyak. Penurunan beban organik menguntungkan bagi sistem pengolahan lindi eksisting TPA Jatibarang.
[Title: Removal of Lindi Water Organic Waste of TPA Jatibarang using Chemical Coagulation- Floculation] Leachate grounding into the soil that potentially could mix with the groundwater caused contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water. The composition of waste landfill leachate from the various location is depending on the season, the type of waste, and landfill age. Process in the TPA produces recalcitrant organic molecules as indicated by the low ratio of BOD/COD and NH3-N high value. The ineffective treatment of leachate at Jatibarang require a pretreatment as a form of alternative effort in the processing of leachate prior to entry into the aerated lagoon process. This study aims to analyze the influence of chemical coagulants on grounding organic material Jatibarang landfill leachate. The study was conducted in April-August 2016. Jatibarang landfill leachate characteristics were categorized as "moderately stable" and young leachate. Allowance for organic materials using chemical coagulants of FeCl3 and Al2SO4 showed significant values for the parameters of COD, BOD, and TSS. The use of optimal dose occurs at 16 g/L FeCl3 and 16 g/L Al2SO4 which can reduce the COD value by 51% and 65%, BOD by 50% and 56%, and TSS at 24% and 21%. PH value changes due to the addition of coagulant positive effect on the level of the allowance, but a negative effect that is quite a lot of froth. The decline in organic load favorable for existing landfill leachate treatment systems Jatibarang.
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