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Analysis of Symmetrical and Nonsymmetrical Vertical Expansion Loop to Increase Flexibility And Reduce Pipe Stress Based On ASME B31.3

Analisis Symmetrical dan Nonsymmetrical Vertical Expansion Loop untuk Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas dan Menurunkan Tegangan Pipa Berdasarkan ASME B31.3

*Pekik Mahardhika orcid scopus  -  Program Studi D4 Teknik Perpipaan, Jurusan Teknik Permesinan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Adi Wirawan Husodo  -  Program Studi D4 Teknik Perpipaan, Jurusan Teknik Permesinan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
George Endri Kusuma  -  Program Studi D4 Teknik Perpipaan, Jurusan Teknik Permesinan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Raden Dimas Endro Witjonarko  -  Program Studi D4 Teknik Perpipaan, Jurusan Teknik Permesinan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Ekky Nur Budiyanto  -  Program Studi D4 Teknik Perpipaan, Jurusan Teknik Permesinan Kapal, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 TEKNIK

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Thepiping system is a medium used to convey, distribute, mix, separate, discharge, meter, control or snub fluid flows, and transmit a fluid pressure. The piping system design will have stresses due to thermal and pressure effect. The thermal effect induce pipe expansion. The pipe expansion affect to pipe flexibility, so it is necessary to design an expansion loop. Expansion loop is a method used to increase flexibility in piping systems. This article aims to analyze symmetrical and non-symmetrical in vertical expansion loops whether it can increase flexibility and reduce pipe stress. This article conducts an expansion loop design with 3 trials, namely trial 1 (Vertical Expansion Loop), trial 2 (Nonsymmetrical Vertical Expansion Loop 1), and trial 3 (Nonsymmetrical Vertical Expansion Loop 2). The three trials were compared for flexibility and stress values based on ASME B31.3 requirements. The study results show that all trial 1, trial 2, and trial 3 have good flexibility with a value of 0.00016 because not exceed the requirements of ASME B31.3. The highest design code stress value in trial 1 is 5955 psi (Node A07F), trial 2 is 5906 psi (Node A05F), and trial 3 is 5906 psi (Node A06N). All trials have a code stress not exceeding the allowable stress (20000 psi). So that the symmetrical or nonsymmetrical design of the vertical expansion loop can both increase flexibility and reduce pipe stress.
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Keywords: flexibility; pipe expansion; stress; thermal; symmetrical & nonsymmetrical

Article Metrics:

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