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Neuroscience Approach In Understanding The Urban Spatial Form

Pendekatan Neurosains dalam Pemahaman Bentuk Spasial Kota untuk Melengkapi Variasi Respon Pengamat

*Edi Purwanto scopus  -  Departemen Teknik Arsitektur, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rosyida Ayuningtyas  -  Departemen Teknik Arsitektur, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2022 TEKNIK

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Heretofore, to understand the urban spatial form, observers usually use the spatial cognition ability to obtain an imaginary picture of the city structure in which there is a relationship between one physical element to another. This study offers a technique using the observer's brain ability called neuroscience thereby the understanding of urban spatial form is more than just an aesthetic physical element yet can greatly influence the feelings and emotions of the observer. This study aims to discuss a neuroscience approach in understanding the spatial form of the city to complement the use of spatial cognition that has previously been carried out by other researchers. The benefit of this research is that it is used as an instrument in evaluating the design of urban space based on the observer's perception. The data and information collection are using the technique of drawing maps by the observers that focuses on mastering urban areas and the physical elements within, followed by in-depth interviews. Research results show that the neuroscience approach in understanding the spatial form of the city has enriched the understanding the physical form of the city structure and the elements of its identity as well as including the emotional response and meaning of observers to the spatial form of the city.
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Keywords: urban spatial form, observer spatial cognition, neuroscience, emotion, meaning

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