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*Bambang Winardi  -  JURUSAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO, Indonesia
Diterbitkan: 9 Nov 2012.

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Therea re two main distributions ystemsth e primary and secondaryd istribution

netwo*s. The primaryo r midle volage nenvorks2 0 kV compriseth e networks& om main

stationso f transformatortso distributions tationss ides, the secondaryo r lower voltage

networks2 2013 80 V containsth e power line networksf rom distibution stationsu ntil the

customerosr loadsi nstalation.Thdei stributionn etworksis the closeset lectricapl owers ystem

to thec ustomerosr loadss ided iferenwt ith thet ransmissionne tworks.

ln Indonesiath e electricanl etworksc onditionh ave5 o/od ropv oltage( VD) influenceb y many

facton one of them is unoptimizedtr ansformatopr lacementto the load side. The far the

distanceth e more voltaged rop will be and the maximumo f l0o/oo f drop voltages hould

anticipateth e 22,7o/of electricall oad increasingA. ccordingt o that condition,t he needo f

evaluationa ndr eplanningd ependo n somea llowedc riteriasis imporantf or thec ontinuitya nd

efficienot f thee lectricaplu blics ervice.


Keywords:d istributions ysteml,o adb alancinglo, ssesf,iz nsformatoprl acement.


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Last update: 2024-07-17 11:11:31

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