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*Sukarni Suryaningsih  -  English Departement, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Sri Rahayu Wilujeng  -  Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Indonesia

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Dalam perkembangannya sebagai industri produk media, film membutuhkan penonton untuk mengevaluasi dan mengembangkan keberadaannya. Kebutuhan akan peran penonton dalam film diwadahi dengan aktivitas-aktivitas apresiatif seperti resensi film, kritik film maupun penelitian film. Apresiasi yang aktif dan gencar dilakukan akan mendukung keberadaan dan kelangsungan dunia film. Kajian adalam artikel ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan mengenai dunia resensi film yang diikuti oleh komunitas RAW SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta. Dengan metode ceramah sosialisasi dan dilanjutkan dengan latihan memahami resensi film, para peserta belajar memahami seluk beluk meresensi film yang mengikutkan pengetahuan baik pengetahuan tematik film maupun sinematik film.


Kata kunci: apresiasi, resensi film, tematik, sinematik



In its development as a media product industry, film requires audiences to evaluate and develop its presence. The need for the role of the audience in a film is accommodated by appreciative activities such as film reviews, film criticism and film research. Appreciation that is active and intensively carried out will support the existence and continuity of the world of film. The study in this article is the result of an activity regarding the world of film reviews that was attended by the RAW community SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta. With the socialization lecture method and followed by small training in understanding film reviews, the participants learned to understand the aspects of film reviews which included knowledge of both thematic and cinematics elements of film.


Keywords: appreciation, film review, thematic, cinematics

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