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Analisa Stabilitas Garis Pantai di Kabupaten Bangkalan

1Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, PO. BOX 2, Jl Raya Telang, Kamal, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur, Telp +62-31-3013234, 3011146, fax +62-31-3011506, Indonesia

2Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, ITS, Kampus ITS, Keputih, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia, Indonesia

3Email:,, Indonesia

Received: 10 Feb 2012; Published: 11 Feb 2012.

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Perairan pantai di Kabupaten Bangkalan merupakan kawasan strategis pengembangan kawasan pesisir, terutama pasca Jembatan Suramadu. Meningkatnya pemanfaatan areal pantai berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan terhadap ekosistem dan keseimbangan pantai, salah satunya dengan konversi tanaman bakau menjadi areal pertambakan maupun pemukiman. Luasan bakau yang rendah memiliki kerentanan relatif tinggi terhadap gelombang dan arus laut yang potensial menyebabkan erosi, sehingga terjadi kemunduran garis pantai (retrogration coast) yang bersifat erosi aktif. One-line model berdasarkan persamaan CERC merupakan salah satu metode pemodelan numerik untuk mengetahui perubahan garis pantai, dengan salah satu parameter utama adalah gelombang. Angin digunakan untuk mendapatkan properties gelombang, dan dilakukan analisa refraksi. Model divalidasi menggunakan citra Landsat. Estimasi model menunjukkan ada perubahan garis pantai pada hampir sebagian besar sel, terutama pada sel 96 dan 316. Garis pantai di lokasi penelitian relatif stabil, kecuali di daerah dermaga Kamal dan sekitar Suramadu.

Kata Kunci : Oneline-model, Stabilitas pantai


The Shoreline Stability Analysis at Bangkalan Regency. Coastal waters in the Bangkalan regency made up a strategic area for the development of coastal areas, especially after the Suramadu bridge was built. Development of the coastal area cause an increase the utilization of coastal areas in which it might cause to interference of the ecosystem and the beach equilibrium, one of them is change the mangrove ecosystem into both aquaculture and residences. The small mangrove area has a vulnerability is relatively high as compared to the waves and ocean currents causing erosion. As a result, there are retrogration coast that are actively erosion. One-line model based on CERC equation is one of the numerical modeling to know shoreline changes with main parameters is wave. Wind speed used to wave properties for refraction analyze. The validation of model used satellite imagenary. The model prediction showed no changes in the shoreline for the most of cells, especially at 96 and 316 cells Result of model was any shoreline changes The shoreline in this study relatively stable, except in the Kamal dock area and surrounding Suramadu bridge

Key words : Oneline-model, Coastal stability
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