Fakultas Perikanan, Universitas Pattlmura, Ambon, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS19349, author = {N. Huliselan}, title = {Komposisi dan Distribusi Diatom Bentik di Perairan Pantai Desa Naku, Kodya Ambon - Maluku}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, year = {2009}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Penelltian dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2000 untuk mempelajari komposlsi dan distribusi diatom bentik di perairan panai Desa Naku, Kodya Ambon. Ditemukan 16 genus diatom yang mewakili 10 ordo, dimana 7 ordo diantaranya mewakili ordo centris dan 3 lainnya dari ordo pennate. Jenis - jenis tersebut ditemukan pada tipe substrat yang berbeda. Coscinodiscus, Chaetoceros, dan Thalassionema rnerupakan jenis umum yang berperanan dalam persentasi kesamaan dari setiap stasiun pada tipe substrat yang berbeda. Analisa MDS dan Cluster, mernbuktikan bahwa terindikasi adanya 3 grup yang yang terkelompok karena jumlah jenis dan kepadatan diatom bentik yang terdapat di masing-masing stasiun. Namun demikian terlihat bahwa jumlah jenis diatom bentik lebih banyak di stasiun pada tipe substrat lumpur berpasir bila dibandingkan dengan stasiun lain pada substrat lainnya. Diatom bentik terdapat dalam kepadatan yang tlnggi di stasiun pada tipe substrat berlumpur (St. 10) dan kepadatan yang terendah pada tipe substrat berpasir (St. 3). Beberapa diatom bentik terdapat pada substrat berlumpur dan tidak terdapat di substrat berpasir tetapi (St. 3) pada substrat lumpur berpasir atau terjadi sebaliknya. Kata kunci: komposisi; distribusi; kepadatan; diatom bentik; substrat Study on the composition and distribution of benthic diatoms surrounding Naku Village waters has been conducted in October 2000. 16 genus from 10 ordo were found and 7 of them represented ordo centrales, while the rest 3 were from ordo pennales . They were encountered from different type of substrates. Coscinodlscus. Chaetoceros and Thalassionema were the genus contributed to the similarity percentages of each type of substrates (common species). MDS and Cluster analysis revealed that there were 3 groups of stations grouping by the abundance and the presence of the benthic diatoms. Eventhough, there were more genus encountered from stations which represented muddy-sandy substrate than other substrates the highest abundance of benthic diatoms were found from stations which represented muddy substrate (St. 10). Whilst the lowest abundance was from stations which are represented sandy substrate (St . 3). The results also showed that some of diatom benthic presented in the muddy substrate but were absent in the sandy substrate and they were presence in the muddy-sandy substrate or the other way. Keywords : composition; distribution; abundance; benthic diatoms; substrate }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {65--76} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.7.2.65-76}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/19349} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Penelltian dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2000 untuk mempelajari komposlsi dan distribusi diatom bentik di perairan panai Desa Naku, Kodya Ambon. Ditemukan 16 genus diatom yang mewakili 10 ordo, dimana 7 ordo diantaranya mewakili ordo centris dan 3 lainnya dari ordo pennate. Jenis - jenis tersebut ditemukan pada tipe substrat yang berbeda. Coscinodiscus, Chaetoceros, dan Thalassionema rnerupakan jenis umum yang berperanan dalam persentasi kesamaan dari setiap stasiun pada tipe substrat yang berbeda. Analisa MDS dan Cluster, mernbuktikan bahwa terindikasi adanya 3 grup yang yang terkelompok karena jumlah jenis dan kepadatan diatom bentik yang terdapat di masing-masing stasiun. Namun demikian terlihat bahwa jumlah jenis diatom bentik lebih banyak di stasiun pada tipe substrat lumpur berpasir bila dibandingkan dengan stasiun lain pada substrat lainnya. Diatom bentik terdapat dalam kepadatan yang tlnggi di stasiun pada tipe substrat berlumpur (St. 10) dan kepadatan yang terendah pada tipe substrat berpasir (St. 3). Beberapa diatom bentik terdapat pada substrat berlumpur dan tidak terdapat di substrat berpasir tetapi (St. 3) pada substrat lumpur berpasir atau terjadi sebaliknya.
Kata kunci: komposisi; distribusi; kepadatan; diatom bentik; substrat
Study on the composition and distribution of benthic diatoms surrounding Naku Village waters has been conducted in October 2000. 16 genus from 10 ordo were found and 7of them represented ordo centrales, while the rest 3 were from ordo pennales. They were encountered from different type of substrates. Coscinodlscus. Chaetoceros and Thalassionema were the genus contributed to the similarity percentages of each type of substrates (common species). MDS and Cluster analysis revealed that there were 3 groups of stations grouping by the abundance and the presence of the benthic diatoms. Eventhough, there were more genus encountered from stations which represented muddy-sandy substrate than other substrates the highest abundance of benthic diatoms were found from stations which represented muddy substrate (St. 10). Whilst the lowest abundance was from stations which are represented sandy substrate (St. 3). The results also showed that some of diatom benthic presented in the muddy substrate but were absent in the sandy substrate and they were presence in the muddy-sandy substrate or the other way.
Keywords: composition; distribution; abundance; benthic diatoms; substrate
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