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The Sape Strait Cephalopod Resource and Its Response to Climate Variability

1Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

2Kampus FPK UNDIP Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia, Indonesia

3e-mail:, Indonesia

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Dari tujuh jenis cephalopoda yang terdapat di Selat Sape, setiap tahunnya empat jenis cumi-cumi mendominasi (90%) tangkapan cephalopoda. Perikanan cumi-cumi dideskripsikan, terutama berkaitan dengan terjadinya fluktuasi tangkapan yang besar karena efek-ganda dari kegiatan penangkapan dan variabilitas iklim. Dua jenis alat tangkap utama, Bagan-Prahu dan Jala-Oras distandarisasi sebelum dipakai dalam analisis tangkapan-upaya penangkapan, sedangkan variabilitas iklim diwakili dengan indeks osilasi selatan (SOI). Suatu model dikonstruksi
dengan cara menginkorporasikan nilai rata-rata tahunan SOI, upaya penangkapan dan tangkapan cumi-cumi. Model ini dapat dipergunakan dalam memperkirakan tangkapan cumi-cumi. Penggunaannya untuk memprediksi dan mengelola perikanan cumi-cumi memerlukan dilakukannya secara teratur (bulanan) monitoring tangkapan, tingkat upaya penangkapan dan SOI. Implikasi hasil kajian ini untuk riset dan pengelolaan dibahas dalam tulisan ini.

Kata kunci: cephalopoda, cumi-cumi, variabilitas iklim, ENSO, indeks osilasi selatan

Of seven cephalopod species occurring in the Sape Strait, four species of squid constitute 90% of the annual cephalopod catches. The squid fishery is described, with emphasis on its fluctuating catches due to the
combined effects of fishing and climate variability. Two most important fishing gears, ‘Bagan Prahu’ (boat raft net) and ‘Jala Oras’ (light lured payang) were used and standardized in catch and fishing effort analysis. The southern oscillation index (SOI) was used to represent the climate variability component. A model was then developed by means of incorporating the SOI, fishing effort and squid catch. Average annual values of these three components were used to construct the model. The model can be a useful tool for predicting the squid catches. Its use for forecasting and managing the fishery requires regular monitoring the catch, fishing effort and the SOI, preferably monthly. Research and management implication of this finding is discussed.

Key words: cephalopod, squid, climate variability, ENSO, southern oscillation index

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