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Struktur Komunitas Copepoda di Perairan Jepara

1Laboratorium Biologi Laut, Program Studi llmu Kelautan, Indonesia

2Fak. Perikanan dan llmu Kelautan, Indonesia

3Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Sudharto SH, Tembalang, Semarang. 50275, Indonesia

4 Laboratorium Oseanografi Biologi, Program Studi Oseanografi, Jurusan llmu Kelautan,, Indonesia

5 Laboratorium Mikrobiogenetika, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan llmu Pengetahuan Alam, Indonesia

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Copepoda merupakan komponen terbesar dari zooplankton di laut dan berperan sebagai produser sekunder serta konsumer. Berdasarkan perannya dalam jaring-jaring makanan, maka komunitas copepoda pada suatu perairan dapat digunakan untuk menilai produktivitas perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas copepoda di perairan Jepara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari April hingga Desember 2005 di perairan Jepara dan identifikasi dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Oseanografi UNDIP. Enam stasiun untuk pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan sebulan sekali. Pengambilan sampel copepoda dilakukan dengan planktonnet 100 mm, dengan menyaring air sebanyak 1 m3 secara vertikal dari dasar perairan. Sampel yang diperoleh diawetkan dengan formalin 4% untuk diidentifikasi di laboratorium. Keanekaragam, keseragaman dan dominansi dianalisa untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas copepoda. Pengukuran parameter kualitas air yang meliputi suhu, salinitas pH, arus dan kecerahan dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan pengambilan sampel. HasiI penelitian di perairan Jepara terdapat3 ordodan 18 genus copepoda, yaitu Ordo Calanoida (13 genus), Cyclopoida (2 genus) dan Harpacticoida (3 genus). Kelimpahan copepoda di perairan Jepara sebesar 5 - 546 ind/l, dengan rata-rata 316 ± 85, keanekaragaman 2,3259-2,3594, keseragaman 0,80 - 0,81 dan terdapat dominansi Acartia sp dan Calanus sp.

Kata kuncl: Copepoda, Struktur Populasi, Jepara

The dominantion ofcopepod in the zooplankton community, play an important role as secondary producer and primary consumer in the sea food web. Due to this function, the copepod population can be use as the sea water productivity. The aim of the research is to know and copepod community structure at Jepara Waters. The research was conducted from April to December 2005 at the Jepara Wafers and the samples were identified at Laboratory of Biological Oceanography, UNDIP. There were six stations established as the research site area. Monthly sampling was done. Copepod were collected using the 100 mm plankton net, by filtering a total of 1 m3 sea water taken vertically. The samples were preserved by the addition of formaldehyde 4% and identified in the laboratory. The diversity, evenness and dominance index were calculated to describe the copepod community structure. The water quality such as temperature, salinity, pH, current and transparency, were observed in the same time. There were 18 genus of copepods determined at the Jepara waters, belong to 3 ordo i.e Calanoid (13 genus), Cydopoid (2 genus) and Harpacticoid (3 genus). Copepod density at Jepara water was 5-546 ind./l, (average 316 ± 85), diversity 2,3259-2,3594, eveness 0,8047-0,8163 and dominancy 0,1837-0,1953. Acartia sp and Calanus sp. were dominant in Jepara waters identified.

Key words : Copepods, Population Structure, Jepara

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