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Kandungan Koprostanol dan Bakteri Coliform Pada Lingkungan Perairan Sungai, Muara, dan Pantai di Banjir Kanal Timur, Semarang Pada Monsun Timur

1Program Magister Ilmu Lingkungan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 50238, Indonesia

2Bappedal Propinsi Jawa Tengah , Jl. Setiabudi Komplek Diklat Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

3(kode pos 50263), Srondol, Semarang, Tlp./Fax : 024.7478813 e-mail :, Indonesia

4 Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia

5 Pusat Studi Pesisir dan Laut Tropis, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia

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Limbah domestik merupakan salah satu sumber utama pencemaran di perairan pantai pada negara yang sedang berkembang yang masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian serius bila dibandingkan dengan pencemaran oleh industri. Namun dengan terus meningkatnya aktivitas manusia di wilayah pesisir dan kesadaran akan pentingnya lingkungan bersih bagi kesehatan, estetika dan alasan ekologis lainnya, deteksi tentang kontaminasi limbah menjadi penting untuk diketahui secara lebih baik. Selama ini indikator kontaminasi limbah domestik ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah mikroorganisme intestinal khususnya kelompok bakteri coliform. Koprostanol diusulkan sebagai alternatif indikator limbah domestik, sehingga diperlukan kajian eksistensi koprostanol untuk persyaratan kelayakannya sebagai indikator, serta bakteri coliform sebagai pembanding. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2003 pada lingkungan sungai, muara dan pantai di sungai Banjir Kanal Timur di Semarang. Analisa coliform dari sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan di laboratorium Mikrobiogenetika, FMIPA UNDIP Semarang dan analisa konsentrasi koprostanol dilakukan di laboratorium Kimia dan Fisika
Pusat (LAKFIP) UGM Yogyakarta. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa koprostanol dapat terdeteksi pada sedimen dan tidak terdeteksi pada kolom air. Eksistensi koprostanol didapatkan nilai tertinggi pada lingkungan perairan
sungai (14,9 μg/g) dibandingkan muara (1,04 μg/g), dan pantai (5,25 μg/g). Bakteri total coliform terdeteksi pada kolom air maupun sedimen pada lingkungan perairan sungai (2,80 x 104 sel/100 ml), muara (0,4 x
104 sel/100 ml), dan pantai (0 - 0,4 x 104) sel/100 ml, sementara fecal coliform terdeteksi di lingkungan perairan sungai (2 x 104 - 2,8 x 104 ) sel/100 ml, dan muara (0,4 x 104 sel/100 ml), namun tidak terdeteksi
pada lingkungan perairan pantai.

Kata kunci : Koprostanol, limbah domestik, indikator pencemaran, coliform

Domestic waste is one of the major sources of the pollution in coastal waters of most developing, countries, which has got less attention than industrial pollution. However, along with the increase of human activities
in coastal areas coupled with the importance of clean environment for the health, esthetics, and ecological reasons, the detection of waste contamination has become important to be recognized. So far, the indicator of domestic waste contamination has been intestinal microorganism, especially coliform bacteria. Coprostanol is a proposed alternative indicator in the detected domestic waste those, it is definitely important to study the existence of coprostanol and coliform bacteria in order to fine its application. The research carried out from July to August 2003 at the environmental waters of river, estuarine, and coastal of Ciliwung, Jakarta; Banjir Kanal Timur, Semarang, analysis of coliform form water and sediment samples was conducted at micro biogenetic laboratory Faculty of Mathematic and Natural sciences, Diponegoro University, meanwhile analysis of coprostanil concentration was performed at central laboratory of chemistry and physic UGM. The results showed that coprostanol was detected in sediment but not in the water phase at all locations. The existence of coprostanol was detected either at environmental waters of river (14,9 μg/g) or estuarine (1,04 μg/g), and coastal (5,25 μg/g). Total coliform bacteria were detected both in water column and sediment of river (2,80 x 104 ) sel/100 ml, at estuarine (0,4 x 104) sel/100 ml and coastal (0 - 0,4 x104) sel/100 ml, meanwhile fecal coliform bacteria were detected in environmental water of river (2 x 104 - 2,8 x 104 ) sel/ 100 ml, and at estuarine (0 - 4 x 104) sel/100 ml, but not detected at coastal area. The use of coprostanol to considered for the indicator alternative because the existence can influence by various condition at water of river and used of coliform bacteria as domestic waste contamination indicator require to be considered because owning various weakness.

Key words : Coprostanol, coliform, domestic waste, pollution indicator

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