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BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS592, author = {Marojahan Simanjuntak}, title = {Oksigen Terlarut dan Apparent Oxygen Utilizationdi Perairan Teluk Klabat, Pulau Bangka}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Pengamatan kadar oksigen terlarut dan Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) di perairan Teluk Klabat, Pulau Bangka telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2003. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan dan distribusi oksigen terlarut serta Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) perairan Teluk Klabat, Pulau Bangka. Contoh air laut diambil dari 20 stasiun penelitian dengan menggunakan Botol Nansen di perahu nelayan dan Botol Niskin di Kapal Riset Baruna Jaya VII pada 3 kedalaman yaitu pada lapisan penvukaan (0 m); 5 meter dan dekat dasar. Kadar oksigen terlarut ditentukan dengan titrasi jodometri berdasarkan metode Winkler. Has/7 analisa oksigen terlarut menunjukkan kadar oksigen terlarut di lapisan permukaan (0 m); 5 m dan dekat dasar masing-masing berkisar antara 3,54 - 4,08 ml/1; 3,22 - 3,58 ml/I ; 2,97 - 3,30 ml/ I. Kadar ini terus menu run dengan bertambahnya kedalaman. Berdasarkan nilalsuhu dan salinitas yang diperoleh telah dihitung daya larut \"apparent oxygen utilization\" (AOU) dan derajat kejenuhan oksigen pada lapisan permukaan. Di lapisan permukaan sampai dekat dasar diperoleh kisaran nilai AOU yaitu - 1,07 sampai 0,09 ml/1 dengan nilai AOU yang negatip diperoleh sebanyak 4 % sedangkan positip 96 % di lapisan permukaan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh konsentrasi oksigen terlarut yang belum menunjukkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan perairan. Kata kunci : Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU), oksigen terlarut, Teluk Klabat Observation of dissolved oxygen concentration in Klabat Bay Waters Bangka Island was carried out on June-July 2003. The aim of research was to know environment condition and dissolved oxygen distribution and Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) values in the Klabat Bay Waters. Water samples from 3 depths (0, 5, bottom depth) were collected from 20 stations by using Nansen bottles on the boat and Niskin Bottles on the Research Vessel Baruna Jaya VII. The dissolved oxygen was analyzed with Iodometric titration by Winkler method. The results showed that the concentrations of dissolved oxygen ranged 3.54 – 4.08 ml/l ; 3.22–3.58 ml/l; 2.97 – 3.30 ml/l were found in surface layer (0 m), 5 m and near bottom depth respectively. These concentrations decreased by depth. The highest concentration was found on the offshore area, while the lowest concentration was found at near coastal. In the surface layer till near bottom depth were found AOU values varied between -1.07 to 0.09 ml/l with the AOU negative values was found 4 % and positive 96 % in the surface layer. The result indicated that dissolved oxygen concentration did not show negative impact in the Klabat Bay Waters, Bangka Island. Key words : Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU), dissolved oxygen, Klabat Bay }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {59--66} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.12.2.59-66}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/592} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Pengamatan kadar oksigen terlarut dan Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) di perairan Teluk Klabat, Pulau Bangka telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2003. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan dan distribusi oksigen terlarut serta Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) perairan Teluk Klabat, Pulau Bangka. Contoh air laut diambil dari 20 stasiun penelitian dengan menggunakan Botol Nansen di perahu nelayan dan Botol Niskin di Kapal Riset Baruna Jaya VII pada 3 kedalaman yaitu pada lapisan penvukaan (0 m); 5 meter dan dekat dasar. Kadar oksigen terlarut ditentukan dengan titrasi jodometri berdasarkan metode Winkler. Has/7 analisa oksigen terlarut menunjukkan kadar oksigen terlarut di lapisan permukaan (0 m); 5 m dan dekat dasar masing-masing berkisar antara 3,54 - 4,08 ml/1; 3,22 - 3,58 ml/I; 2,97 - 3,30 ml/ I. Kadar ini terus menu run dengan bertambahnya kedalaman. Berdasarkan nilalsuhu dan salinitas yang diperoleh telah dihitung daya larut "apparent oxygen utilization" (AOU) dan derajat kejenuhan oksigen pada lapisan permukaan. Di lapisan permukaan sampai dekat dasar diperoleh kisaran nilai AOU yaitu - 1,07 sampai 0,09 ml/1 dengan nilai AOU yang negatip diperoleh sebanyak 4 % sedangkan positip 96 % di lapisan permukaan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh konsentrasi oksigen terlarut yang belum menunjukkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan perairan.
Kata kunci: Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU), oksigen terlarut, Teluk Klabat
Observation of dissolved oxygen concentration in Klabat Bay Waters Bangka Island was carried out on June-July 2003. The aim of research was to know environment condition and dissolved oxygen distribution and Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) values in the Klabat Bay Waters. Water samples from 3 depths (0, 5, bottom depth) were collected from 20 stations by using Nansen bottles on the boat and Niskin Bottles on the Research Vessel Baruna Jaya VII. The dissolved oxygen was analyzed with Iodometric titration by Winkler method. The results showed that the concentrations of dissolved oxygen ranged 3.54 – 4.08 ml/l ; 3.22–3.58 ml/l; 2.97 – 3.30 ml/l were found in surface layer (0 m), 5 m and near bottom depth respectively. These concentrations decreased by depth. The highest concentration was found on the offshore area, while the lowest concentration was found at near coastal. In the surface layer till near bottom depth were found AOUvalues varied between -1.07 to 0.09 ml/l with the AOU negative values was found 4 % and positive 96 % inthe surface layer. The result indicated that dissolved oxygen concentration did not show negative impact inthe Klabat Bay Waters, Bangka Island.
Key words: Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU), dissolved oxygen, Klabat Bay
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