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Editor(s): Ilmu Lingkungan

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Limbah minyak kelapa sawit yang terbanyak adalah SBE (Spent Bleaching Earth), limbah ini mengandung residu minyak tinggi yang dapat mencemari lingkungan, 30% residu minyak pada limbah SBE dapat digunakan bakteri untuk pertumbuhannya, sehingga adanya bakteri mampu menjadi agen bioremediasi pencemaran SBE. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan bakteri lipolitik sebagai agen potensial bioremediasi pada limbah SBE. Metode pengambilan sampel limbah SBE secara random sampling. Sampel tanah diambil secara acak dari beberapa titik area limbah SBE. Bakteri diisolasi dari sampel limbah SBE, kemudian dilakukan tahapan yaitu : pemurnian, seleksi, uji potensi, bakteri berpotensi mereduksi lipid dikarakterisasi dan diidentifikasi genusnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aktivitas enzim lipase yang tinggi menandakan bahwa bakteri lipolitik bekerja optimal merombak zat pencemar. Bakteri yang memiliki potensi sebagai agen bioremediasi terdiri dari genus Citrobacter (B1), Enterobacter (B2) dan Acinetobacter (B3).

The most palm oil waste is SBE (Spent Bleaching Earth), this waste had many reduced lipid that got pollution for inviroments, Bacteria can use lipid from SBE as much as 30% for growed. So that consist of bacteria in SBE as a potensial agent for remediation. This study aims to obtain lipolytic bacteria as a potential agent of bioremediation. The method of sampling soil were taken at random from SBE waste, Bacteria were isolated from the SBE waste, then they were selected into steps : performed purification, selection, potential test, then characterized and identified it’s genus of potential bacteria. The results showed that the higest activity enzyme of lipolytic indicated that the lipolytic bacteria worked optimal for reduce polution. Bacteria had potential as a bioremediation agent consisting of genus Citrobacter (B1), Enterobacter (B2) and Acinetobacter (B3).
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Keywords: Bacteria, lipid, lipolytic, Spent Bleaching Earth

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Last update: 2025-02-22 08:15:01

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