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Dampak terhadap pemanasan global adalah terjadinya perubahan iklim yang berpengaruh terhadap kondisi ekosistem Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Kondisi ini menyebabkan penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat dan meningkatkan tingkat kerentanan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis tingkat kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim di Sub DAS Garang Hulu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-eksploratif dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode kombinasi kualititatif dan kuantitatif (mixed method). Data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan studi literatur dan desk study. Data primer berupa persepsi masyarakat dengan wawancara mendalam dengan metode purposive sampling. Penilaian kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim menggunakan fungsi dari tiga komponen, yaitu paparan, kepekaan, dan kemampuan adaptasi. Hasil analisis kerentanan masyarakat ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta-peta dengan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim didominasi dalam kategori rendah sampai dengan sedang dengan persentase 73.83%. Daerah yang memiliki kerentanan tinggi adalah daerah Kecamatan Ungaran Timur dan kelurahan Sukorejo di Kota Semarang.

Kata Kunci : DAS, Kerentanan, Paparan, Kepekaan, Kemampuan Adaptasi


The impact of global warming is climate change affecting the condition of Watershed Ecosystem. This condition causes the decreasing in the level of social welfare and the increasing  level of vulnerability of  living community. This study was aimed  to analyze the level of vulnerability of living communities due to climate change in Garang Hulu sub-watersheds . This research was a descriptive-explorative approach by using a combination of qualititative and quantitative methods (mixed method). Secondary data were collected through the study of literature and desk study. Primary data were taken in the form of public perception along with  indepth interviews. Respondents were chosen through purposive sampling method. Assessment of the  social vulnerability to climate change was using a function of three components, namely the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability. The results of the vulnerability analysis were presented in the form of maps using the GIS. The study results showed that the level of vulnerability of communities to climate change was dominated by low category to moderate with the percentage of 73.83%. Areas that had a high vulnerability were East Ungaran local district and Sukorejo village in Semarang.

Key Words : watershed, vulnerability, exposure, sensitivity, adaptability.

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