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Model Pengelolaan Banjir: Systematic Review dan Arahan untuk Masa Depan

1Graduate Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Faculty of Multidisciplinary, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Indonesia

2Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Indonesia

3Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Indonesia

Received: 2 Feb 2022; Revised: 9 Mar 2022; Accepted: 12 Mar 2022; Available online: 22 Mar 2022; Published: 4 Jul 2022.
Editor(s): H. Hadiyanto

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Banjir merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang sering terjadi di seluruh dunia, menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi, rusaknya infrastruktur bahkan sering menimbulkan korban nyawa. Oleh karena itu, mengatasi permasalahan banjir sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk mensintesis permasalahan banjir dan menyusun kerangka kerja pengelolaan banjir secara holistik. Makalah ini mengulas dan mensintesis 124 jurnal yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2011 – 2021. Artikel jurnal yang diulas dikategorikan ke dalam tema pengaruh perubahan tutupan lahan terhadap hidrolgi (PL-H), perubahan penggunaan lahan (LULC), pengaruh klimatologi terhadap hidrologi (PK-H), mitigasi banjir (MB), ekonomi terkait banjir (Ek), evaluasi kejadian banjir (Ev), pengaruh perubahan lahan dan pengaruh klimatologi terhadap hidrologi (PL-PK-H), dan hidrologi (H). Tema hidrologi (H) merupakan topik dominan yang kami temukan dalam literatur sebanyak 30% selanjutnya 25% tema mitigasi banjir (MB) dan 17% tema pengaruh perubahan tutupan lahan terhadap hidrolgi (PL-H). Kontribusi dari makalah ini adalah menghasilkan kerangka kerja komprehensif yang perlu dilakukan dalam melakukan pengelolaan banjir.


Floods are one of the natural disasters that often occur around the world, causing economic losses, damage to infrastructure and often cause casualties. Therefore, overcoming the problem of flooding is very important to do. The purpose of this paper is to analyze flood problems and develop new flood management frameworks. The paper reviews and synthesizes 124 journals published between 2011 and 2021. The journal article reviewed is categorized into the themes of the influence of land cover changes on hydrolgi (PL-H), land use change (LULC), climatology influence on hydrology (PK-H), flood mitigation (MB), flood-related economy (Ek), evaluation of flood events (Ev), influence of land change and climatology influence on hydrology (PL-PK-H), and hydrology (H). The theme of hydrology (H) is the dominant topic that we found in the literature as much as 30% of the theme of flood mitigation (MB) and 17% of the theme of the influence of land cover changes on hydrolgi (PL-H). The contribution of this paper is to develop a comprehensive framework that needs to be done in conducting flood management.

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Keywords: Banjir; Pengelolaan banjir; Kerangka kerja holistik; Bencana; Manajemen lingkungan
Funding: IPB University

Article Metrics:

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