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*Devie Rahmawati scopus  -  Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Wiratri Anindhita  -  Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Amelita Lusia  -  Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Rangga Wiwesa  -  Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Mila Viendyasari  -  Program Vokasi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Received: 12 Apr 2020; Published: 1 Jul 2022.
Open Access Copyright 2022 Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi under

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This study aims to identify industry perspectives on Millennial Worker Competencies. The subject of qualitative research is a sample population of 60 industry professionals from the communication sector and start-up companies in job seekers. This research used qualitative data. Data collected through in-depth interviews. Based on the research results, it shows that graduates from higher education need skills to enter the world of work. The identification of an industrial perspective has implications for employee recommendations for the work competency curriculum framework in higher education. Third, a comprehensive evaluation of the attitudes and talents of workers in the digital age. Higher education institutions must increase their partnerships with industry, which is very important to improve human resources who have the competencies needed to compete globally.

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Keywords: Millennial Competence, Soft Skills, Industrial Perspective
Funding: Universitas Indonesia

Article Metrics:

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