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Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy as a Risk for Postoperative Arterial Thrombosis: A Case Report

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University/RSUD Dr. Moewardi, Surakarta, Indonesia

Received: 16 Aug 2023; Revised: 29 Nov 2024; Accepted: 7 Jan 2025; Available online: 10 Jan 2025; Published: 31 Mar 2025.
Open Access Copyright 2021 JAI (Jurnal Anestesiologi Indonesia)
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Background: Venous thromboembolic disease and arterial thrombosis are recognized as common causes of hospital mortality, especially in postoperative patients, those who are immobilized, and individuals with sepsis. Coagulopathy is a significant factor due to the interaction between inflammation and coagulation, stemming from widespread endothelial damage.

Case: We report manifestations of sepsis-induced coagulopathy (SIC) in a 64-year-old woman who was treated at the intensive care unit (ICU) of RSUD Dr. Moewardi with peripheral arterial disease. The patient was treated for 20 days in the ICU with a multidisciplinary approach. The patient's clinical outcome was good and planned for follow-up during outpatient care.

Discussion: Thrombosis and inflammation are distinct yet closely interconnected physiological processes. In a normal physiological context, the activation of the coagulation system by inflammation is a component of the body's defense mechanism against pathogens, aiming to restrict their spread within the bloodstream. This protective response involves the interaction between innate immune cells and platelets.

Conclusion: By gaining a deeper insight into sepsis-associated coagulopathy (microthrombopathy), we can develop effective treatments that specifically target the microthrombotic pathway involved in endothelial damage.

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Keywords: coagulopathy; intensivist; postoperative; sepsis; thrombosis

Article Metrics:

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