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*Thedy Yogasara orcid scopus publons  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia
Rosi Filia Kristina Sidabutar  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia
Daniel Siswanto  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia
Yansen Theopilus orcid scopus  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

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Eye tracking (ET) banyak digunakan untuk mendeteksi perubahan okular, namun belum banyak penelitian yang menganalisis kemampuan indikator ET dalam mendeteksi kewaspadaan. Padahal indikator okular banyak dikaitkan dengan kelelahan yang dapat menurunkan kewaspadaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan indikator ET yang dapat mendeteksi kewaspadaan pada pembatasan durasi tidur dan waktu pemeriksaan. Penelitian melibatkan 28 pria yang diminta melakukan inspeksi cacat (scratch, dirt, missing part, dan poor assembly) pada 50 senter sambil dilakukan pengukuran Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) dan indikator ET. Durasi tidur dibatasi 4 dan 8 jam, serta waktu pemeriksaan terdiri dari waktu yang dibatasi dan tidak dibatasi. Variabel terikat adalah mean RT (reaction time), % minor lapses, dan mean 1/RT dari PVT. Dari ET diukur durasi fiksasi, diameter pupil, jumlah sakadik, dan kecepatan sakadik. Hasil eksperimen diolah dengan Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA dan Pearson Correlation. Hasil ANOVA dengan signifikansi α=0,05 menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh durasi tidur terhadap mean RT, % minor lapses, dan mean 1/RT. Sedangkan waktu pemeriksaan berpengaruh terhadap durasi fiksasi dan jumlah sakadik. Berdasarkan uji Pearson Correlation, indikator ET dan PVT berkorelasi lemah atau sangat lemah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapatnya indikator ET yang cukup baik untuk mendeteksi kewaspadaan pada pembatasan durasi tidur dan waktu pemeriksaan.



[Analysis of Eye Tracking Indicators to Detect Vigilance Affected by Sleep Duration and Inspection Time Constraints] Eye tracking (ET) is widely used to detect ocular changes. However, few studies analyze the capability of ET indicators for detecting vigilance, albeit ocular indicators are often associated with fatigue which can reduce vigilance. This study aims to determine ET indicators that can detect vigilance on limited sleep and inspection duration. This study involved 28 men who were asked to perform inspection tasks for defects (scratch, dirt, missing parts, and poor assembly) on 50 flashlights while Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and ET indicators were measured. Sleep duration was limited to 4 and 8 hours, while inspection duration consisted of two levels, i.e. limited and not limited. Dependent variables were mean RT (reaction time), % minor lapses, and mean 1/RT of PVT. Furthermore, ET indicators included duration fixation, pupil diameter, number of saccades, and saccades velocity. The data were processed using Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA and Pearson Correlation. ANOVA with significance of α=0,05 shows that there was an effect of sleep duration on mean RT, % minor lapses, and mean 1/RT. In addition, inspection duration had an effect on fixation duration and number of saccades. Based on Pearson Correlation test, all ET and PVT indicators had weak or very weak correlation. This research indicates that there is no ET indicator that is adequate to detect vigilance in limited sleep and inspection duration.

Keywords: eye tracking; inspection duration; sleep duration; vigilance

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Keywords: durasi tidur; eye tracking; kewaspadaan; waktu pemeriksaan

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