Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
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@article{JKLI13530, author = {Siswati Siswati and Retno Adriyani}, title = {Hubungan Pajanan Kebisingan dengan Tekanan Darah dan Denyut Nadi pada Pekerja Industri Kemasan Semen}, journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, year = {2017}, keywords = {Kebisingan; tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik; denyut nadi; Tuban. (noise; systolic blood pressure; diastolic blood pressure; pulse)}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Cemaran bising merupakan merupakan suara yang mengganggu dan membahayakan orang yang mendengarnya. Gangguan suara ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai respon psikologis, khusunya pada sistem kardiovaskuler pada orang-orang yang terpapar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara paparan bising dengan tekanan daran dan denyut nadi pada pekerja industi kemasan semen. Metode: Penelitian dengan disain cross sectional telah dilakukan di industri kemasan semen di Tuban Indonesia. Sampel diambil sebanyak 22 pekerja denan teknik random random. Pengukuran tingkat kebisingan dilakukan di unit produksi menggunakan Sound Level Meter. Pengumpulan data karakteristik pekerja dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Pengukuran tekanan daran dan denyut nadi dilakukan pada pekerja sebelum dan sesudah terpapar bising menggunakan tensimeter digital. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan paired t-test dan korelasi Perason pada level signifikasi 5%. Hasil: Tingkat bising di seluruh area unit produksi melebihi nilai ambang batas (lebih 85 dBA). Sebagian besar pekerja berumur 42 tahun., telah bekerja selama 15 tahun. Sebanya 77,3% pekerja menggunakan alat pelindung telinga berupa ear plug saat bekerja. Tenanan darah sistolik maupun diastolik sebelum terpapar bising adalah normal, akan tetapi setelah terpapar bising menunjukkan gejala pre hipertensi. Rerata denyut nadi pekerja sebelum dan sesudah terpapar bising masing-masing 76,64 x/menit dan 86,91 x/menit. Simpulan: Ada perbedaan secara signifikan (tekanan daran sistolik, diastolik, dan denyut nadi) antara sebelum dan sesudah bekerja (terpapar bising). Ada hubungan signifiakan antara tingkat bising dengan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik, diastlik, dan denyut nadi pekerja industri kemasan semen. Para pekerja disarankan untuk selalu menggunakan alat penuutup telingan saat melakukan pekerjaannya. Abstract Title: The Relationship between Noise Exposure with Blood Pressure and Pulse of Workers in a Cement Packaging Industry Background: Noise pollution is the distrubing or excessive noise that may annoying, distracting or even harmfull to the people who hear it. Noise pollution can induces alteration of various physiological responses, especially on the cardiovascular system, in people exposed to it. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between noise exposure with blood pressure and pulse of workers in cement packaging industry. Methods: A cross sectional study design was employed in 2016 at cement packaging industry in Tuban, Indonesia. Sample size were 22 workers obtained by using simple random sampling technique. Noise level was measured at production unit with a calibrated Sound Level Meter. Workers characteristics were gathered with an appropriate questionnaire. Blood pressure and pulse were measured cross shift (before and after noise exposure) using digital tensimeter. For analyzing data, paired t-test and pearson correlation test were used. P < 0.050 was considered statistically significant. Results: Noise level at all production areas were exceed the TLV, over 85 dBA. Most workers were 42 years old, had over 15 years of worked periode and 77.3% of respondents were using EPE with ear plug type. Either sistolic and diastolic blood pressure before noise exposure were normal, but after that, they were prehypertension. Mean pulse of workers before and after noise exposure were 76,64 x/second and 86,91 x/second. Conclusion: There were significant differences between the systolic blood pressure, diastolic and pulse before and after work. Meanwhile, there were significant associations between noise with raised systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse on workers of cement packaging industry. So, preventive of noise should be controled by using convenient EPE for workers. }, issn = {2502-7085}, pages = {29--36} doi = {10.14710/jkli.16.1.29-36}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Cemaran bising merupakan merupakan suara yang mengganggu dan membahayakan orang yang mendengarnya. Gangguan suara ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai respon psikologis, khusunya pada sistem kardiovaskuler pada orang-orang yang terpapar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara paparan bising dengan tekanan daran dan denyut nadi pada pekerja industi kemasan semen.
Metode: Penelitian dengan disain cross sectional telah dilakukan di industri kemasan semen di Tuban Indonesia. Sampel diambil sebanyak 22 pekerja denan teknik random random. Pengukuran tingkat kebisingan dilakukan di unit produksi menggunakan Sound Level Meter. Pengumpulan data karakteristik pekerja dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Pengukuran tekanan daran dan denyut nadi dilakukan pada pekerja sebelum dan sesudah terpapar bising menggunakan tensimeter digital. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan paired t-test dan korelasi Perason pada level signifikasi 5%.
Hasil: Tingkat bising di seluruh area unit produksi melebihi nilai ambang batas (lebih 85 dBA). Sebagian besar pekerja berumur 42 tahun., telah bekerja selama 15 tahun. Sebanya 77,3% pekerja menggunakan alat pelindung telinga berupa ear plug saat bekerja. Tenanan darah sistolik maupun diastolik sebelum terpapar bising adalah normal, akan tetapi setelah terpapar bising menunjukkan gejala pre hipertensi. Rerata denyut nadi pekerja sebelum dan sesudah terpapar bising masing-masing 76,64 x/menit dan 86,91 x/menit.
Simpulan: Ada perbedaan secara signifikan (tekanan daran sistolik, diastolik, dan denyut nadi) antara sebelum dan sesudah bekerja (terpapar bising). Ada hubungan signifiakan antara tingkat bising dengan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik, diastlik, dan denyut nadi pekerja industri kemasan semen. Para pekerja disarankan untuk selalu menggunakan alat penuutup telingan saat melakukan pekerjaannya.
Title: The Relationship between Noise Exposure with Blood Pressure and Pulse of Workers in a Cement Packaging Industry
Background: Noise pollution is the distrubing or excessive noise that may annoying, distracting or even harmfull to the people who hear it. Noise pollution can induces alteration of various physiological responses, especially on the cardiovascular system, in people exposed to it. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between noise exposure with blood pressure and pulse of workers in cement packaging industry.
Methods: A cross sectional study design was employed in 2016 at cement packaging industry in Tuban, Indonesia. Sample size were 22 workers obtained by using simple random sampling technique. Noise level was measured at production unit with a calibrated Sound Level Meter. Workers characteristics were gathered with an appropriate questionnaire. Blood pressure and pulse were measured cross shift (before and after noise exposure) using digital tensimeter. For analyzing data, paired t-test and pearson correlation test were used. P < 0.050 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Noise level at all production areas were exceed the TLV, over 85 dBA. Most workers were 42 years old, had over 15 years of worked periode and 77.3% of respondents were using EPE with ear plug type. Either sistolic and diastolic blood pressure before noise exposure were normal, but after that, they were prehypertension. Mean pulse of workers before and after noise exposure were 76,64 x/second and 86,91 x/second.
Conclusion: There were significant differences between the systolic blood pressure, diastolic and pulse before and after work. Meanwhile, there were significant associations between noise with raised systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse on workers of cement packaging industry. So, preventive of noise should be controled by using convenient EPE for workers.
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