Latar belakang: Sebuah daerah dinyatakan memiliki permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat jika memiliki prevalensi stunting sebesar 20% atau lebih. Prevalensi stunting di Kalimantan Timur mencapai 29,6% dan didominasi oleh anak usia dibawah dua tahun pada tahun 2017. Samarinda memiliki prevalensi stunting melebihi 20%. Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi kejadian stunting, tetapi dibutuhkan penelitian terkait sarana sanitasi, perilaku penghuni dan kebiasaan CTPS ibu dengan kejadian stunting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan ada/tidaknya hubungan antara kualitas sarana sanitasi, perilaku penghuni, dan kebiasaaan CTPS ibu dengan kejadian stunting pada anak kelompok usia 6-24 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Harapan Baru, Samarinda.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian retrospektifdengan desain case control. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan ibu balita menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Terdapat 19 sampel pada masing-masing kelompok kasus dan kontrol yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Sehingga, total sampel: 38 dengan uji statistik chi square untuk kualitas sarana sanitasi dan perilaku penghuni; uji fisher untuk CTPS ibu.
Hasil: Ada hubungan antara kualitas sarana sanitasi (p = 0,000; OR = 31,875; CI 95% = 5,093-199,480); perilaku penghuni (p = 0,000; OR = 18,417; CI 95% = 3,182-106,585) dengan kejadian stunting. Tidak ada hubungan antara kualitas CTPS yang dimiliki Ibu dengan kejadian stunting (p = 0,116; OR= 3,923; CI 95%=0,678-22,705). Namun ketiga variabel tersebut merupakan faktor risiko kejadian stunting karena memiliki OR>1.
Simpulan: Kualitas sarana sanitasi dan perilaku penghunimemiliki hubungan dengan kejadian stunting dan merupakan faktor risiko. Kualitas CTPS ibu tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian stunting tetapi merupakan faktor risiko.
Title: Relationship Between Quality Of Sanitation Infrastructures, Human Behavior, Mothers’ Handwashes, To Stunting Rate For Children Age 6-24 Months
Background: A place is called as region which has chronic malnutrition problem if the prevalency of stunting children is equal to or more than 20%. In 2017, it was increased to 29,6%. It is dominated by the children under two years old. Samarinda also has prevalency of stunting children under two above 20%. There are lots of determinant factors which coud caused stunting, but more study is needed about sanitation infrastructures, human behavior, and and mothers’ hand washes.The aim or this research is to proof the relation of about sanitation infrastructures, human behavior, and and mothers’ hand washes to stunting status of children age 6-24 months in two districts which are the region of Puskesmas Harapan Baru
Methods: This is a retrospective case-control study. Data were collected thorough semi-structure interview with mothers. The samples are 19 for each group, using purposive sampling.The total samples: 38. Chi square test was used to test the relationship of quality sanitation infrastructures; residents’ behaviour to stunting. Fisher test was used to exam the relationship of the mothers’ hand wash quality.
Results: The quality of sanitation infrastructures (p = 0,000; OR = 31,875; CI 95% = 5,093-199,480); residents’ behavior(p = 0,000; OR = 18,417; CI 95% = 3,182-106,585) had relationship to stunting. The quality of mothers’ hand washes had no relationship to stunting with p= 0,116; OR= 3,923; CI 95%=0,678-22,705. However, three of them were risk factors of stuntingsince their OR>1.
Conclusion: The quality of sanitation infrastructures; residents’ behaviour had relationship and were risk factors to stunting. The quality of mothers’ hand washes had no relationship, but still a risk factor to stunting.
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