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Analysis Of Acute Respiratory Infection Trends in the High-risk Zone of Exposure to Coal Dust in Meulaboh

1Nutrition Department Faculty of Public Health Universitas Teuku Umar, Komplek Kampus Universitas Teuku Umar Alue Peunyareng Meulaboh Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681, Indonesia

2Public Health Department Faculty of Public Health Universitas Teuku Umar, Komplek Kampus Universitas Teuku Umar Alue Peunyareng Meulaboh Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2022 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Judul : Analisis Tren Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut Pada Zona Wilayah Risiko Tinggi Paparan Debu Batubara di Meulaboh

Latar Belakang : Pertumbuhan dua industry (PT. Mifa Bersaudara Meulaboh dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Nagan Raya) dapat berkorelasi negative dengan tren kasus ISPA. Berdasarkan data kasus dari dua Puskesmas yang merupakan Puskesmas yang berada pada wilayah berdirinya dua perusahaan tersebut terjadi peningkatan kasus ISPA setiap tahunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti analisis tren ISPA pada zona wilayah risiko tinggi paparan debu batubara PT. Mifa Bersaudara Meulaboh dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Nagan Raya.

Metode : Metode penelitian ini dengan mengkombinasi desain case control dan fenomologi, sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang masyarakat yang berdomisili (0-50 km) dari perusahaan, dan dengan teknik pengambilan sample purposive random sampling. Analisis data mengunakan uji chi-square dan wawancara mendalam.

Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi tren kasus ISPA sebesar 1% setiap tahunnya, terdapat hubungan kecurigaan paparan debu dan asap batubara dari kedua perusahaan tersebut terhadap gejala ispa pada masyarakat dengan risiko ISPA 13 kali pada zona wilayah risiko tinggi paparan debu batubara (P value < 0.0001, OR = 13.037 ).

Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaan yang signifika yang dirasakan masyarakat dari sebelum dan seudah berdirinya dua perusahaan tersebut terutama terkait keluhan gangguan pernapasan, keluhan kondisi lingkungan yang menurun (polusi udara dan tercemarnya tanah), serta kurangnya perhatian perusahaan terhadap penanggualangan dan pencegahan efek yang akan ditimbulkan.



Introduction: The growth of two industries (such as PT. Mifa Bersaudara Meulaboh and Steam Power Plant Nagan Raya) can be negatively correlated with the trend of ARI cases. Based on data, cases from two Public Health Centers which are located around both the companies showed an increase in cases of ARI annually. This research aims to analyze ARI trends in the high risk zone of exposure to coal dust PT. Mifa Bersaudara Meulaboh and Steam Power Plant Nagan Raya.

Method : The method of this research combined design of case control and fenomology. The sample was as much as 100 people who live (0-50 km) from the company, and technique sampling used purposive random sampling. Data analysis used the chi-square test and in-depth interviews.

Result : The results found that there was trend of ARI cases as many as 1% each year. There was a suspicion relationship between exposure to fumes and coal dust from the two companies on symptoms of ARI in the community with the risk of ARI 13 times in the zone of high risk of exposure to coal dust (p value < 0.0001, OR = 13.037).

Conlusion : There was a significant difference felt of the society both before and after the establishment of the two companies, mainly related to complaints of respiratory problems, degradation of environment condition such as air pollution and soil contamination as well as the company's lack of attention to cope with and prevent of its effects that will be caused.

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Keywords: Coal; Dust; Fumes; ARI

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