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Kombinasi Adsorben Alam Dalam Pengolahan Air Limbah Cucian Pada Bengkel

1Bagian Kesehatan Lingkungan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kedokteran Gigi dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia

2Bagian Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kedokteran Gigi dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2023 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Latar belakang: Jumlah bengkel kendaraan bermotor yang meningkat berimplikasi pada volume limbah yang semakin tinggi dan berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu limbah bengkel yang harus diolah sebelum dibuang adalah air limbah cucian tangan montir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektifitas pengolahan air limbah cuci tangan bengkel dengan kombinasi arang tempurung kelapa, batu apung dan limbah rambut sebagai media filtrasi dalam menurunkan kandungan BOD, COD, TSS, fosfat dan minyak.

Metode: Rancangan one group pre-test dan post-test dipilih pada studi eksperimental ini  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di bengkel Jl. Sekip Sei Putih Timur I Medan Petisah pada bulan Desember 2020 dan proses uji dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia BTKLPP Kelas I Medan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan bulan Desember 2020. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sore hari setelah montir selesai melakukan aktivitas. Data dianalisis dengan melihat perbedaan konsentrasi parameter pencemar yakni BOD, COD, TSS dan fosfat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan penyaringan. Dari perbedaan nilai konsentrasi tersebut diperoleh tingkat efektifitas media filtrasi yang kemudian dinyatakan dalam bentuk persentase.

Hasil: Pada studi ini ditemukan bahwa persentase kadar BOD (41,57%), COD (44,33%), dan TSS (41,27%), mengalami penurunan lebih besar menggunakan saringan B (pori-pori batu apung lebih kecil) dibandingkan dengan saringan A. Namun saringan A lebih efektif dalam menurunkan persentase kadar fosfat (65,60%). Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan hasil air limbah cucian tangan bengkel dari saringan A lebih jernih setelah pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali dibandingkan saringan B.

Simpulan: Penggunaan kombinasi media arang tempurung kelapa, limbah rambut dan batu apung cukup efektif dalam mengurangi kadar BOD, COD, TSS, fosfat dan minyak. Namun perlu dipertimbangkan besarnya pori-pori batu apung yang digunakan dalam penyaringan.



Title: Combination of Natural Absorbents in Automotive Service Station Liquid Waste Management

Background: Increasing number of automotive service station has implications for the higher volume of waste and has the potential to pollute the environment. One of the automotive service station wastes that must be treated before being disposed of is the mechanic's hand-washing wastewater. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of automotive service station liquid waste management with a combination of coconut shell charcoal, pumice stone, and hair waste as a filtration medium in reducing BOD, COD, TSS, phosphate, and oil content.

Method: One group pre-test and post-test designs were chosen in this experimental study. Sampling was carried out at the workshop on Jl. Sekip Sei Putih Timur I Medan Petisah in December 2020 and the test process was carried out at the BTKLPP Class I Chemistry Laboratory, Medan. Sampling is carried out in December 2020. Sampling was carried out in the afternoon after the mechanic had finished performing activities. Data were analyzed by looking at the difference in concentration of pollutant parameters, namely BOD, COD, TSS and phosphate before and after filtering. From the difference in concentration values, the effectiveness of the filtration media is obtained which is then expressed in percentage.

Result: In this study, it was found that the percentage levels of BOD (41.57%), COD (44.33%), and TSS (41.27%), experienced a greater decrease using filter B (smaller pumice pores). compared to filter A. However, filter A was more effective in reducing the percentage of phosphate content (65.60%). The results of the organoleptic test showed that the automotive service station hand-washing wastewater from filter A was clearer after 3 repetitions than filter B.

Conclusion: The use of a combination of coconut shell charcoal media, hair waste, and pumice stone is quite effective in reducing the levels of BOD, COD, TSS, phosphate, and oil. However, it is necessary to consider the size of the pores of the pumice used in the filter.


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Keywords: limbah cucian bengkel; absorben; filtrasi; efektivitas

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