1Mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Kesehatan Lingkungan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
2Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JKLI54754, author = {Ayu Aulia and R Azizah and Lilis Sulistyorini and Muhammad Rizaldi}, title = {Literature Review: Dampak Mikroplastik Terhadap Lingkungan Pesisir, Biota Laut dan Potensi Risiko Kesehatan}, journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Lingkungan Pesisir; Mikroplastik; Biota Laut dan Risiko Kesehatan}, abstract = { Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumulasi benda-benda plastik (misalnya, botol plastik dan banyak lagi) di lingkungan bumi yang berdampak negatif terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup. Sebagian besar degradasi menghasilkan serat dan mikroplastik berserabut. Mikroplasstik berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan metabolism, neurotoksisitas dan peningkatan risiko kanker pada manusia. Selain itu mikroplastik dapat menimbulakn potensi risiko kesehatn seperti : gangguan kekebalan, neurotoksisitas, gangguan reproduksi serta karsinogenik. Kajian literatur yang akan dilakukan mengenai dampak mikroplastik terhadap lingkungan pesisir, biota serta potensi risiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan mikroplastik. Metode: Penelitia ini merupakan sebuah literature Review. Database yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini menggunakan Google Scholar dan ScienceDirect dengan kata kunci \"microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, microplastic marine fish, microplastic and health effect\", yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Artikel yang didapatkan diseleksi sesuai topik mengenai pencemaran mikropalstik di wilayah pesisir, yang bisa di download, dan artikel yang terbit mulai 2018-2022. Artikel yang direview sebanyak 13 artikel yang relevan dan sesuai topik . Hasil: Hasil review menemukan bahwa yang paling banyak terkontaminasi mikroplastik adalah biota laut sebanyak 8 Artikel yang ditemukan, bentuk mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah fiber dan fragment sebanyak 8 artikel yang ditemukan dan polimer mikroplastik yang ditemukan paling banyak polypropylene sebanyak 7 artikel. Jenis polimer mikropalstik yang terdeteksi berpotensi menyebabkan permasalahan kesehatan seperti gangguan metabolism, gangguan saluran pencernaan, gangguan fungsi hati, gangguan fungsi ginjal, kanker, gangguan resporoduksi dan mudah lupa. S impulan : berdasarkan literature review yang dilakukan dapat disumpulakn bahwa mikropalstik sudah banyak mencemari lingkungan pesisir, sediment, air laur, dan biota laut yang berpotensi mengkontaminasi manusia dan berpotensi menyebabkan potensi risiko kesehatan seperti gangguan metabolisme, gangguan saluran pencernaan, gangguan fungsi hati, gangguan fungsi ginjal, kanker, gangguan resporoduksi dan mudah lupa. ABSTRACT Literature Review: The Impact of Microplastics on Coastal Environments, Marine Life and Potential Health Risks Background: Plastic waste is still a serious problem in the world. Plastic waste is the accumulation of plastic objects (for example, plastic bottles and more) in the earth's environment that negatively affect living things’ lives . Most degradation results in filamentous fibers and microplastics. Microplasstics can potentially cause metabolic disorders, neurotoxicity and an increased risk of cancer in humans. In addition, microplastics can pose potential health risks such as: immune disorders, neurotoxicity, reproductive disorders and carcinogenic. A literature review will be conducted on the impact of microplastics on coastal environments, biota and potential health risks caused by exposure to microplastics. Method: This research is a literature review. The database used in searching this article uses Google Scholar and ScienceDirect with the keywords \"microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, microplastic marine fish, microplastic and health effect\", which has been done by previous researchers both from within and outside the country. The articles obtained are selected according to topics regarding microplastic pollution in coastal areas, which can be downloaded, and articles published from 2018-2022. The articles reviewed were 13 articles that were relevant and on-topic Results: The results of the review found that the most contaminated with microplastics were marine life as many as 8 articles found, the most forms of microplastics found were fibers and fragments as many as 8 articles found and microplastic polymers found the most polypropylene as many as 7 articles. The types of microplastic polymers detected have the potential to cause health problems such as metabolic disorders, digestive tract disorders, liver function disorders, kidney function disorders, cancer, resporoduction disorders and forgetfulness . Conclusion : B ased on the literature review conducted, it can be concluded that microplastics have polluted many coastal environments, sediments, water, and marine life that have the potential to contaminate humans and potentially cause potential health risks such as metabolic disorders, digestive tract disorders, liver function disorders, kidney function disorders, cancer, reproductive disorders and forgetfulness. }, issn = {2502-7085}, pages = {328--341} doi = {10.14710/jkli.22.3.328-341}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/jkli/article/view/54754} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar Belakang: Sampah plastik masih menjadi masalah berat di dunia. Sampah plastik adalah akumulasi benda-benda plastik (misalnya, botol plastik dan banyak lagi) di lingkungan bumi yang berdampak negatif terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup. Sebagian besar degradasi menghasilkan serat dan mikroplastik berserabut. Mikroplasstik berpotensi menyebabkan gangguan metabolism, neurotoksisitas dan peningkatan risiko kanker pada manusia. Selain itu mikroplastik dapat menimbulakn potensi risiko kesehatn seperti : gangguan kekebalan, neurotoksisitas, gangguan reproduksi serta karsinogenik. Kajian literatur yang akan dilakukan mengenai dampak mikroplastik terhadap lingkungan pesisir, biota serta potensi risiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh paparan mikroplastik.
Metode: Penelitia ini merupakan sebuah literature Review. Database yang digunakan dalam pencarian artikel ini menggunakan Google Scholar dan ScienceDirect dengan kata kunci "microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, microplastic marine fish, microplastic and health effect", yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Artikel yang didapatkan diseleksi sesuai topik mengenai pencemaran mikropalstik di wilayah pesisir, yang bisa di download, dan artikel yang terbit mulai 2018-2022. Artikel yang direview sebanyak 13 artikel yang relevan dan sesuai topik .
Hasil: Hasil review menemukan bahwa yang paling banyak terkontaminasi mikroplastik adalah biota laut sebanyak 8 Artikel yang ditemukan, bentuk mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah fiber dan fragment sebanyak 8 artikel yang ditemukan dan polimer mikroplastik yang ditemukan paling banyak polypropylene sebanyak 7 artikel. Jenis polimer mikropalstik yang terdeteksi berpotensi menyebabkan permasalahan kesehatan seperti gangguan metabolism, gangguan saluran pencernaan, gangguan fungsi hati, gangguan fungsi ginjal, kanker, gangguan resporoduksi dan mudah lupa.
Simpulan: berdasarkan literature review yang dilakukan dapat disumpulakn bahwa mikropalstik sudah banyak mencemari lingkungan pesisir, sediment, air laur, dan biota laut yang berpotensi mengkontaminasi manusia dan berpotensi menyebabkan potensi risiko kesehatan seperti gangguan metabolisme, gangguan saluran pencernaan, gangguan fungsi hati, gangguan fungsi ginjal, kanker, gangguan resporoduksi dan mudah lupa.
Literature Review: The Impact of Microplastics on Coastal Environments, Marine Life and Potential Health Risks
Background: Plastic waste is still a serious problem in the world. Plastic waste is the accumulation of plastic objects (for example, plastic bottles and more) in the earth's environment that negatively affect living things’ lives. Most degradation results in filamentous fibers and microplastics. Microplasstics can potentially cause metabolic disorders, neurotoxicity and an increased risk of cancer in humans. In addition, microplastics can pose potential health risks such as: immune disorders, neurotoxicity, reproductive disorders and carcinogenic. A literature review will be conducted on the impact of microplastics on coastal environments, biota and potential health risks caused by exposure to microplastics.
Method: This research is a literature review. The database used in searching this article uses Google Scholar and ScienceDirect with the keywords "microplastic, plastic waste effect, coastal microplastic, microplastic marine fish, microplastic and health effect", which has been done by previous researchers both from within and outside the country. The articles obtained are selected according to topics regarding microplastic pollution in coastal areas, which can be downloaded, and articles published from 2018-2022. The articles reviewed were 13 articles that were relevant and on-topic
Results: The results of the review found that the most contaminated with microplastics were marine life as many as 8 articles found, the most forms of microplastics found were fibers and fragments as many as 8 articles found and microplastic polymers found the most polypropylene as many as 7 articles. The types of microplastic polymers detected have the potential to cause health problems such as metabolic disorders, digestive tract disorders, liver function disorders, kidney function disorders, cancer, resporoduction disorders and forgetfulness.
Conclusion: Based on the literature review conducted, it can be concluded that microplastics have polluted many coastal environments, sediments, water, and marine life that have the potential to contaminate humans and potentially cause potential health risks such as metabolic disorders, digestive tract disorders, liver function disorders, kidney function disorders, cancer, reproductive disorders and forgetfulness.
Note: This article has supplementary file(s).
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