Department of Environmental Engineering, Engineering Faculty Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manis, Pauh, Padang 25163, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JKLI52417, author = {Dian Ramadhan and Shinta Indah and Denny Helard}, title = {Strategi Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik di Kawasan Permukiman Hulu Sungai Kelurahan Hutaimbaru Kota Padangsidimpuan}, journal = {Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, year = {2023}, keywords = {Lingkungan; Program; Sanitasi}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Daerah bantaran sungai di daerah permukiman hulu Sungai Aek Sarupak memiliki karakteristik geografis dan iklim yang lebih sulit karena keterbatasan akses jalan, lahan dan kendala ekonomi yang membuat sulit untuk menerapkan sistem pelayanan sanitasi. Jumlah keluarga yang tidak memiliki akses sanitasi di Kelurahan Hutaimbaru pada tahun 2021 sebesar 241 KK dari 920 KK (26,2%). Wilayah ini telah memiliki fasilitas sanitasi berupa MCK umum dan IPAL komunal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan akses sanitasi lingkungan bagi masyarakat dengan menentukan strategi pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang sesuai dan tepat untuk diterapkan di wilayah studi. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan mixed methods atau metode kombinasi. Lokasi penelitian di wilayah permukiman pada hulu Sungai Aek Sarupak Kelurahan Hutaimbaru, Kota Padangsidimpuan pada bulan Oktober 2022. Identifikasi kondisi eksisting pengelolaan air limbah domestik dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, kuesioner masyarakat dan wawancara. Pengambilan sampel kuesioner masyarakat dilakukan dengan quota sampling dengan total responden 108 KK. Analisis untuk menentukan program prioritas menggunakan metode AHP. Analisis untuk menentukan strategi penerapan program prioritas menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil: Hasil analisis kondisi eksisting sanitasi di wilayah studi baru mencapai 46,3% akses sanitasi dasar dengan akses sanitasi layak sebanyak 30,56% dan 53,70% tanpa ada akses sarana sanitasi. Program prioritas yang cocok diterapkan adalah program Stop BABS, program pembangunan IPAL komunal, program penyusunan regulasi/kebijakan pengelolaan air limbah domestik di wilayah bantaran sungai, program bantuan dari pemerintah dan program pembangunan jamban dan IPAL komunal melalui kerja sama dengan lembaga lain. Strategi penerapan program prioritas dilakukan dengan menerapkan kegiatan pendukung untuk meminimalkan kelemahan dan memanfaatkan peluang agar program prioritas dapat terlaksanan dengan baik. Simpulan: Pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang baik dan tepat erat hubungannya dengan dukungan dari stakeholder , partisipasi masyarakat, kebijakan/peraturan, pemerintah dan alokasi dana untuk kegiatan sanitasi. ABSTRACT Title: Strategy for Domestic Wastewater Management in Upstream Residential Areas, Hutaimbaru Village, Padangsidimpuan City. Background: The riverbank areas in the settlement areas upstream of the Aek Sarupak River have more difficult geographical and climatic characteristics due to limited access to roads and land and economic constraints, making it challenging to implement a sanitation service system. The number of families without access to sanitation in Hutaimbaru Village in 2021 is 241 families out of 920 families (26.2%). This area already has sanitation facilities in the form of public MCK and communal WWTP. The research aims to increase access to environmental sanitation for the community by determining appropriate and appropriate domestic wastewater management strategies to be implemented in the study area.. Method: This research is descriptive research with mixed methods or combination methods. The research location was in a residential area upstream of the Aek Sarupak River, Hutaimbaru Village, Padangsidimpuan City in October 2022. Identification of the existing conditions of domestic wastewater management was carried out using field observations, interviews and community questionnaires. A sampling of community questionnaires was carried out by quota sampling with 108 households as respondents. Analysis to determine priority programs using the AHP method. Analysis to determine the priority program implementation strategy uses SWOT analysis. Result: The results of the analysis of the existing condition of sanitation in the study area only reached 46.3% access to basic sanitation with access to proper sanitation of 30.56% and 53.70% without access to sanitation facilities. Priority programs that are suitable for implementation are the Stop Open Defecation program, the communal WWTP development program, the regulation/policy drafting program for domestic wastewater management in riverbank areas, government assistance programs and the latrine development program and communal WWTP through collaboration with other institutions. The strategy for implementing priority programs is carried out by implementing supporting activities to minimize weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities so that priority programs can be implemented properly. Conclusion : Proper and appropriate domestic wastewater management is closely related to support from stakeholders, community participation, policies/regulations, government and allocation of funds for sanitation activities. }, issn = {2502-7085}, pages = {274--281} doi = {10.14710/jkli.22.3.274-281}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Daerah bantaran sungai di daerah permukiman hulu Sungai Aek Sarupak memiliki karakteristik geografis dan iklim yang lebih sulit karena keterbatasan akses jalan, lahan dan kendala ekonomi yang membuat sulit untuk menerapkan sistem pelayanan sanitasi. Jumlah keluarga yang tidak memiliki akses sanitasi di Kelurahan Hutaimbaru pada tahun 2021 sebesar 241 KK dari 920 KK (26,2%). Wilayah ini telah memiliki fasilitas sanitasi berupa MCK umum dan IPAL komunal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan akses sanitasi lingkungan bagi masyarakat dengan menentukan strategi pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang sesuai dan tepat untuk diterapkan di wilayah studi.
Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan mixed methods atau metode kombinasi. Lokasi penelitian di wilayah permukiman pada hulu Sungai Aek Sarupak Kelurahan Hutaimbaru, Kota Padangsidimpuan pada bulan Oktober 2022. Identifikasi kondisi eksisting pengelolaan air limbah domestik dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, kuesioner masyarakat dan wawancara. Pengambilan sampel kuesioner masyarakat dilakukan dengan quota sampling dengan total responden 108 KK. Analisis untuk menentukan program prioritas menggunakan metode AHP. Analisis untuk menentukan strategi penerapan program prioritas menggunakan analisis SWOT.
Hasil: Hasil analisis kondisi eksisting sanitasi di wilayah studi baru mencapai 46,3% akses sanitasi dasar dengan akses sanitasi layak sebanyak 30,56% dan 53,70% tanpa ada akses sarana sanitasi. Program prioritas yang cocok diterapkan adalah program Stop BABS, program pembangunan IPAL komunal, program penyusunan regulasi/kebijakan pengelolaan air limbah domestik di wilayah bantaran sungai, program bantuan dari pemerintah dan program pembangunan jamban dan IPAL komunal melalui kerja sama dengan lembaga lain. Strategi penerapan program prioritas dilakukan dengan menerapkan kegiatan pendukung untuk meminimalkan kelemahan dan memanfaatkan peluang agar program prioritas dapat terlaksanan dengan baik.
Simpulan: Pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang baik dan tepat erat hubungannya dengan dukungan dari stakeholder, partisipasi masyarakat, kebijakan/peraturan, pemerintah dan alokasi dana untuk kegiatan sanitasi.
Title: Strategy for Domestic Wastewater Management in Upstream Residential Areas, Hutaimbaru Village, Padangsidimpuan City.
Background: The riverbank areas in the settlement areas upstream of the Aek Sarupak River have more difficult geographical and climatic characteristics due to limited access to roads and land and economic constraints, making it challenging to implement a sanitation service system. The number of families without access to sanitation in Hutaimbaru Village in 2021 is 241 families out of 920 families (26.2%). This area already has sanitation facilities in the form of public MCK and communal WWTP. The research aims to increase access to environmental sanitation for the community by determining appropriate and appropriate domestic wastewater management strategies to be implemented in the study area..
Method: This research is descriptive research with mixed methods or combination methods. The research location was in a residential area upstream of the Aek Sarupak River, Hutaimbaru Village, Padangsidimpuan City in October 2022. Identification of the existing conditions of domestic wastewater management was carried out using field observations, interviews and community questionnaires. A sampling of community questionnaires was carried out by quota sampling with 108 households as respondents. Analysis to determine priority programs using the AHP method. Analysis to determine the priority program implementation strategy uses SWOT analysis.
Result: The results of the analysis of the existing condition of sanitation in the study area only reached 46.3% access to basic sanitation with access to proper sanitation of 30.56% and 53.70% without access to sanitation facilities. Priority programs that are suitable for implementation are the Stop Open Defecation program, the communal WWTP development program, the regulation/policy drafting program for domestic wastewater management in riverbank areas, government assistance programs and the latrine development program and communal WWTP through collaboration with other institutions. The strategy for implementing priority programs is carried out by implementing supporting activities to minimize weaknesses and take advantage of opportunities so that priority programs can be implemented properly.
Conclusion: Proper and appropriate domestic wastewater management is closely related to support from stakeholders, community participation, policies/regulations, government and allocation of funds for sanitation activities.
Note: This article has supplementary file(s).
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