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Perubahan Karakteristik Fisika-Kimia Blotong dari Industri Gula Rafinasi Selama di Penimbunan Terbuka

1Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat 10430, Indonesia

2Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Jakarta Pusat 10270, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2025 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Latar belakang: Industri gula di Indonesia menghasilkan sekitar 120.218-190.440 ton blotong/tahun sebagai produk samping, yang berpotensi menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca (NO dan CO2), air lindi, dan bau yang tidak sedap. Hingga kini, belum ada regulasi khusus terkait pengelolaan blotong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan karakteristik fisika-kimia blotong selama 2 bulan ditimbun di tempat penimbunan terbuka.

Metode: Sampel blotong diambil dari salah satu Industri Gula Rafinasi di Banten dalam dua kondisi: fresh blotong (Bl-01) dan blotong yang ditimbun selama 2 bulan (Bl-02). Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi lapangan dan analisis laboratorium. Sebanyak 13 parameter blotong (temperatur, warna, bau, konsistensi, kadar air, pH, kadar C-organik, kadar nitrogen, rasio C/N, kandungan sukrosa, kandungan kalium sebagai K2O, kandungan fosfor sebagai P2O5, dan kandungan kalsium sebagai CaO), dianalisis dan dibandingkan untuk melihat perubahan signifikan selama periode penimbunan. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif, melalui grafik, tabel, diagram, dan perhitungan persentase.

Hasil: Setelah 2 bulan penimbunan, analisis sampel Bl-01 dan Bl-02 menunjukkan adanya perubahan kimia-fisika, yaitu penurunan temperatur, intensitas warna, kadar air, kandungan sukrosa, dan pH blotong; meningkatnya kadar C-organik, rasio C/N, kandungan kalium, kandungan fosfor, dan kandungan kalsium pada blotong; bau blotong menjadi lebih masam, dengan tekstur blotong yang mengeras dan berpori, serta kadar nitrogen yang nilainya relatif stabil dari waktu ke waktu.

Simpulan: Penimbunan blotong di tempat terbuka selama periode waktu tertentu mengakibatkan perubahan sifat kimia-fisika limbah tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menyoroti potensi blotong untuk dimanfaatkan melalui komposting.



Title: Changes in Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Blotong (Filter Cake) from Refined Sugar Industry in Open Dumping Field

Background: The sugar industry in Indonesia generates approximately 120,218-190,440 tons of filter cake (FC) per year as byproduct, which has the potential to release greenhouse gases (NO and CO2), leachate, and unpleasant odors. A key challenge in managing FC is the lack of regulations governing its disposal. This study aims to analyze the physical and chemical characteristic changes of FC over a 2-month period in an openddumpingffield.

Method: FC samples were collected from a Refining Sugar Industry in Banten in two conditions: fresh FC (Bl-01) and FC stored in an open dumping field for 2 months (Bl-02). Data were collected through field observations and laboratory analysis. Thirteen parameters of FC (temperature, color, odor, consistency, moisture content, pH, organic C-content, nitrogen content, C/N ratio, sucrose content, potassium content as K2O, phosphorus content as P2O5, and calcium content as CaO) were analyzed and compared to observe significant changes during the dumping period. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, presented through graphs, tables, diagrams, and percentage calculations.

Result: After 2 months, significant changes were observed, including a decrease in temperature, color intensity, moisture content, sucrose content, and pH of FC; an increase in organic carbon content, C/N ratio, potassium content, phosphorus content, and calcium content in FC; the odor became more acidic, the texture hardened and became porous, while nitrogen content remained stable over time.

Conclusion: Open dumping of FC over time causes significant changes in its physical-chemical characteristics. Additionally, this research also highlights the potential of FC to be utilized through composting.

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Keywords: Karakteristik Blotong; Limbah Padat; Industri Gula; Penimbunan Terbuka; Pencemaran Lingkungan
Funding: Direktorat Riset and Pengembangan, Universitas Indonesia

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