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Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) Pajanan PM2.5 dan PM10 Pada Pekerja PT. Beton Elemenindo Perkasa Tahun 2024

1Program Studi Sanitasi Lingkungan, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung. Jalan Babakan Loa 10A, Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi, Indonesia

2Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Jln Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi, Indonesia

Open Access Copyright 2025 Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia under

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Latar Belakang: Particulate matter memiliki sifat yang berbahaya karena dapat menembus hingga bagian paru paling dalam dan mengalir di dalam darah. Kematian akibat pekerjaan disebabkan 24% oleh penyakit paru obstruktif. PT. Beton Elemenindo Perkasa pada tahun 2024 melakukan pemeriksaan kepada 175 orang pekerja, didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat 3 (1,7%) pekerja dengan kapasitas vital paru normal, 164 (93,7%) pekerja dengan kapasitas vital paru restriksi, dan 8 (4,6%) pekerja dengan kapasitas vital paru kombinasi. Tujuan penelitian ini menghitung atau memprediksi risiko kesehatan yang ditimbulkan dari pencemar.

Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross-sectional yang bersifat deskriptif, menggunakan pendekatan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL), yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni hingga Juli 2024 dengan melibatkan 89 responden yang tersebar di 4 lokasi berbeda. Estimasi risiko kesehatan lingkungan dihitung menggunakan nilai Risk Quotient (RQ).

Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi rata-rata PM 2.5 sebesar 71,25 µg/m3 dan rata-rata konsentrasi  PM 10 sebesar 217,25 µg/m3. Nilai intake dan RQ tertinggi terdapat pada pekerja Hall B dengan nilai 0,01870 mg/kg/hari dan 2,07779.

Simpulan: Pajanan PM 2.5 konsentrasi maksimal dinilai berisiko terhadap 39 (43,3%) pekerja, meliputi 14 (46,7%) pekerja Hall A dan 25 (69,4%) pekerja Hall B. Dibutuhkan manajemen risiko untuk mengendalikan konsentrasi pajanan PM 2.5 hingga batas konsentrasi aman dengan menggunakan dust net dan dust suspression system.


Title: Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA)) of PM2.5 and PM10 Exposure to Workers of PT. Concrete Element Perkasa in 2024

Background: Particulate matter has dangerous properties because it can penetrate to the deepest part of the lungs and flow in the blood. Occupational deaths are caused by 24% of obstructive pulmonary disease. PT. Beton Elemenindo Perkasa in 2024 conducted an examination of 175 workers, the results showed that there were 3 (1.7%) workers with normal lung vital capacity, 164 (93.7%) workers with restricted lung vital capacity, and 8 (4.6%) workers with combined lung vital capacity. The purpose of this study is to calculate or predict the health risks caused by pollutants.

Method: This research is a cross-sectional study with a descriptive design, employing the Environmental Health Risk Analysis (ARKL) approach. It was conducted between June and July 2024, involving 89 respondents across 4 different locations. The estimated environmental health risk is represented by the Risk Quotient (RQ) value.

Result: The results showed that the average concentration of PM 2.5 was 71.25 µg/m3 and the average concentration of PM 10 was 217.25 µg/m3. The highest intake and RQ values were found in Hall B workers with values of 0.01870 mg/kg/day and 2.07779.

Conclusion: Exposure to maximum concentrations of PM 2.5 was considered risky for 39 (43.3%) workers, including 14 (46.7%) Hall A workers and 25 (69.4%) Hall B workers. Risk management is needed to control the concentration of PM 2.5 exposure to safe concentration limits using dust nets and dust suspension systems.


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Keywords: ARKL; PM2.5; PM10

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