BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JMKI10386, author = {Shinta Retnawati and Laksmi Widajanti and Sri Nugrahaeni}, title = {The Effect of Training by Simulation Method on Cadres to the Successfulness of Diversity Food Application (a Study in Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto)}, journal = {Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Training; simulation; eating variety of food; cadres}, abstract = { Keluarga Sadar Gizi tercermin dari pola konsumsi pangan yang beraneka ragam dan bermutu gizi seimbang. Perlunya makan beraneka ragam agar tercukupi semua kebutuhan zat gizi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Hasil dari pemetaan Kadarzi terhadap 288 keluarga di Kecamatan Trawas terutama makan beraneka ragam masih rendah sekali yaitu 30,9%, dengan diberikan pelatihan agar tercapai kompetensi kader pendamping. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan metode simulasi terhadap keberhasilan penerapan makan beraneka ragam oleh kader pendamping. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan rancangan penelitian Non Randomized with pretest and postest group. Jumlah Populasi 146 kader pendamping dan sampel 60 kader pendamping. Variabel bebas penelitian adalah pelatihan dengan metode simulasi dan metode konvensional serta variabel terikatnya adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader pendamping. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan pelatihan simulasi kepada kader pendamping dapat meningkatkan skor pengetahuan 16 poin dan metode konvensional 5 poin tetapi tidak bermakna dengan nilai p=0,127. Peningkatan skor sikap sebesar 11 poin untuk metode simulasi dan 19 poin untuk metode konvensional, terjadi perbedaan secara bermakna dengan nilai p=0,000 sedangkan peningkatan skor keterampilan 12 poin untuk metode simulasi dan 10 poin untuk metode konvensional tetapi tidak bermakna dengan nilai p=0,102. Disimpulkan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader pendamping dapat diberikan pelatihan dengan mengkombinasikan antara metode simulasi dan metode konvensional. Diharapkan bagi dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Mojokerto dalam peningkatan kompetensi kader pendamping bisa diberikan pelatihan dengan menggunakan metode simulasi dan metode konvensional dengan memperpanjang waktu pelatihan minimal 3 hari. Nutrition-aware family was reflected from their variety of food consumption pattern and equal nutritional quality. Eating variety of food was needed to fulfill all nutrition needed by human body. Results of Kadarzi mapping on 288 families in Trawas district showed that eating variety of food was still low namely 30.9%. Training to cadres to improve their competence was needed. Objective of this study was to know the influence of training using simulation method on the success of eating variety of food application by cadres. This was a quasy experimental study using non-randomized with pretest and posttest group design. Study population was 146 cadres. Samples were 60 cadres. Independent variables consisted of training with simulation method and with conventional method. Dependent variable was knowledge, attitude, and skills of cadres. Univariate and bivariate analysis were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that no difference in score change on knowledge and skills between simulation method and conventional method groups (p> 0.05). The increase of mean value for knowledge was 15 points for simulation method group and 9 points for conventional method group. The increase of score (median value) for skill was 12 points for simulation method group and 10 points for conventional method group. Score change difference on attitude between simulation method group and conventional group was identified (p< 0.05). The increase of score for simulation method group was 9 points and for conventional method group was 19 points. In conclusion, a training that combines simulation method and conventional method is able to improve knowledge, attitude and skill of cadres. Mojokerto district health office is expected to improve cadres’ competence by giving trainings using simulation and conventional methods, and to provide longer time for training. }, issn = {2548-7213}, doi = {10.14710/jmki.2.3.2014.%p}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Keluarga Sadar Gizi tercermin dari pola konsumsi pangan yang beraneka ragam dan bermutu gizi seimbang. Perlunya makan beraneka ragam agar tercukupi semua kebutuhan zat gizi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Hasil dari pemetaan Kadarzi terhadap 288 keluarga di Kecamatan Trawas terutama makan beraneka ragam masih rendah sekali yaitu 30,9%, dengan diberikan pelatihan agar tercapai kompetensi kader pendamping. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan metode simulasi terhadap keberhasilan penerapan makan beraneka ragam oleh kader pendamping. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan rancangan penelitian Non Randomized with pretest and postest group. Jumlah Populasi 146 kader pendamping dan sampel 60 kader pendamping. Variabel bebas penelitian adalah pelatihan dengan metode simulasi dan metode konvensional serta variabel terikatnya adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader pendamping. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan pelatihan simulasi kepada kader pendamping dapat meningkatkan skor pengetahuan 16 poin dan metode konvensional 5 poin tetapi tidak bermakna dengan nilai p=0,127. Peningkatan skor sikap sebesar 11 poin untuk metode simulasi dan 19 poin untuk metode konvensional, terjadi perbedaan secara bermakna dengan nilai p=0,000 sedangkan peningkatan skor keterampilan 12 poin untuk metode simulasi dan 10 poin untuk metode konvensional tetapi tidak bermakna dengan nilai p=0,102. Disimpulkan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader pendamping dapat diberikan pelatihan dengan mengkombinasikan antara metode simulasi dan metode konvensional. Diharapkan bagi dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Mojokerto dalam peningkatan kompetensi kader pendamping bisa diberikan pelatihan dengan menggunakan metode simulasi dan metode konvensional dengan memperpanjang waktu pelatihan minimal 3 hari.
Nutrition-aware family was reflected from their variety of food consumption pattern and equal nutritional quality. Eating variety of food was needed to fulfill all nutrition needed by human body. Results of Kadarzi mapping on 288 families in Trawas district showed that eating variety of food was still low namely 30.9%. Training to cadres to improve their competence was needed. Objective of this study was to know the influence of training using simulation method on the success of eating variety of food application by cadres. This was a quasy experimental study using non-randomized with pretest and posttest group design. Study population was 146 cadres. Samples were 60 cadres. Independent variables consisted of training with simulation method and with conventional method. Dependent variable was knowledge, attitude, and skills of cadres. Univariate and bivariate analysis were applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that no difference in score change on knowledge and skills between simulation method and conventional method groups (p> 0.05). The increase of mean value for knowledge was 15 points for simulation method group and 9 points for conventional method group. The increase of score (median value) for skill was 12 points for simulation method group and 10 points for conventional method group. Score change difference on attitude between simulation method group and conventional group was identified (p< 0.05). The increase of score for simulation method group was 9 points and for conventional method group was 19 points. In conclusion, a training that combines simulation method and conventional method is able to improve knowledge, attitude and skill of cadres. Mojokerto district health office is expected to improve cadres’ competence by giving trainings using simulation and conventional methods, and to provide longer time for training.
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