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Sistem Evaluasi Jaminan Mutu Menggunakan Rule Based System Untuk Monitoring Mutu Perguruan Tinggi

*Sri Hartono  -  Kopertis Wilayah V Semarang, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis)

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The needs for continuous quality improvement resulting in the more complex. The research aims to develop system of quality assurance evaluation using rule based system to monitor the quality of higher education. This process of the research begins by documenting the daily activity of study program which consists of lecturer data, research data, service data, staff data, student data, and infrastructure data into a database. The data were evaluated by using rule based system  by adopting rules on quality standards of study program of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education as the knowledge base. Evaluation process was carried out by using the forward chaining methods by matching the existing data to the knowledge base to determine the quality status of each quality standard. While the reccomendation process was carried out by using the backward chaining methods by matching the results of quality status to the desired projection of quality status to determine the nearest target which can be achieved. The result of the research is system of quality assurance evaluation with rule based system that is capable of producing an output system in the form of internal evaluation report and recommendation system that can be used to monitor the quality of higher education. 

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Keywords: Quality Assurance Evaluation System; Monitoring; Daily Activity; Rule Based System; Forward Chaining; Backward Chaining.
Funding: Kopertis Wilayah VI Jawa Tengah

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