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Kata Majemuk Dengan Unsur Pembentuk Kanji 手 (Te; Shu; Zu)

*Lina Rosliana  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
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This study discusses about “Japanese Compound Noun of Kanji (te; shu; zu)”. The purpose of this study is to desbribe the formation process and the meaning of compound noun which formatted by (te; shu; zu) Kanji. The data of this research is obtained from “Shirabe Jisho” digital dictionary. The data were collected with ‘simak’ method and ‘catat’ technique. The data were analysed with ‘agih’ method and ‘bagi unsur langsung’ technique. Based on the analysis of the data, shows that compound noun which formatted by Kanji (te; shu; zu) has founded in two meanings, basic meaning and figurative meaning. Basic meaning compoun noun were founded on four kinds of structure, meanwhile figurative meaning of compound noun were founded on five kinds of structure. Kanji (te; shu; zu) has  nine kinds of meaning when it combines to compoun noun.

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Keywords: compound noun; formation process; meaning

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  1. Variasi Pembentukan Kata Majemuk (Fukugougo) dari Morfem Kanji ‘手’ dalam Bahasa Jepang

    Indra Pradhana, Thomas Alfa Edison Telambanua. Japanology: The Journal of Japanese Studies, 9 (1), 2023. doi: 10.20473/jjs.v9i1.51546

Last update: 2025-02-24 03:25:39

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