Bagian Epidemiologi dan Penyakit Tropik Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{MKMI22700, author = {Angelia Galuh Ningtyas and Moh Arie Woerjanto and Lintang Dian Saraswati and Praba Ginandjar}, title = {Status Kerentanan Nyamuk Anopheles spp. terhadap Lambdacyhalothrin 0.05% di Kecamatan Pituruh, Kabupaten Purworejo}, journal = {MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Anopheles spp; lambdacyhalothrin; status kerentanan}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Nyamuk Anopheles spp merupakan vector penyakit Malaria di Kabupaten Purworejo. Selama ini belum dilakukan monitoring status kerentanan nyamuk Anopheles spp di Kabupaten Purworejo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur status kerentanan nyamuk Anopheles spp di Kecamatan Pituruh, Kabupaten Purworejo. Metode: Penelitian ini mengginakan metode Quasi-experiment dengan sample yaitu nyamuk Anopheles spp hasil koloni F1. Pengujian status kerentanan nyamuk dilakukan pada nyamuk betina sejumlah 120 ekor nyamuk Anopheles spp. Pengujian dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 6 kali, dengan menggunakan 4 tabung uji kerentanan dan 2 tabung control, masing-masing tabung berisi 20 ekor nyamuk. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata knock down nyamuk Anopheles spp selama 60 menit paparan adalah 19 per repetisi (92,5%). Setelah holding 24 jam, rata-rata kematian nyamuk Anopheles spp adalah 20 per pengulangan (100%). Kematian nyamuk mencapai 80 nyamuk (100%) pada 12 jam. Pada kelompok kontrol, jumlah kematian nyamuk setelah 24 jam adalah 2 ekor (0,5%). Simpulan : Nyamuk Anopheles spp masih rentan terhadap lambdacyhalothrin, sehingga lambdacyhalothrin masih dapat digunakan sebagai kontrol vektor di Kabupaten Purworejo Kata kunci: Anopheles spp, lambdacyhalothrin. Status Kerentanan. ABSTRACT Title: Susceptibility Status of Anopheles spp. to Lambdacyhalothrin 0.05% in Pituruh Subdistrict, Purworejo District. Background: Anopheles spp is a malaria mosquito vector in Purworejo Regency. The monitoring of the susceptibility status of Anopheles spp to insecticides not implemented. The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility status of Anopheles spp mosquitoes in Pituruh Subdistrict. Method: The design of this study used quasi-experiment with samples of Anopheles spp mosquitoes as a result of F1 colonization The mosquitoes used for testing are female Anopheles spp mosquitoes. The total number of mosquitoes tested was 120 mosquitoes. Repetition was carried out 6 times with the details of 4 tubes as a treatment and 2 tubes as controls for each tube containing 20 mosquitoes. Result: The results showed that the average knock down of Anopheles spp mosquitoes during the 60-minute exposure was 19 per repetition (92.5%). After a 24-hour holding, the average mortality of Anopheles spp mosquitoes was 20 per repetition (100%). Mosquito deaths reached 80 mosquitoes (100%) at 12 hours. In the control group, the number of mosquito deaths after 24 hours holding was 2 tails (0.5%), so there was no need to make corrections using the Abbots formula Conclusion : Anopheles spp mosquitoes are said to be susceptible to lambdacyhalothrin so lambdacyhalothrin can still be used as vector control in Purworejo Regency Keywords : Anopheles spp, lambdacyhalothrin. Susceptibility }, issn = {2775-5614}, pages = {10--13} doi = {10.14710/mkmi.19.1.10-13}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Nyamuk Anopheles spp merupakan vector penyakit Malaria di Kabupaten Purworejo. Selama ini belum dilakukan monitoring status kerentanan nyamuk Anopheles spp di Kabupaten Purworejo. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur status kerentanan nyamuk Anopheles spp di Kecamatan Pituruh, Kabupaten Purworejo.
Metode: Penelitian ini mengginakan metode Quasi-experiment dengan sample yaitu nyamuk Anopheles spp hasil koloni F1. Pengujian status kerentanan nyamuk dilakukan pada nyamuk betina sejumlah 120 ekor nyamuk Anopheles spp. Pengujian dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 6 kali, dengan menggunakan 4 tabung uji kerentanan dan 2 tabung control, masing-masing tabung berisi 20 ekor nyamuk.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata knock down nyamuk Anopheles spp selama 60 menit paparan adalah 19 per repetisi (92,5%). Setelah holding 24 jam, rata-rata kematian nyamuk Anopheles spp adalah 20 per pengulangan (100%). Kematian nyamuk mencapai 80 nyamuk (100%) pada 12 jam. Pada kelompok kontrol, jumlah kematian nyamuk setelah 24 jam adalah 2 ekor (0,5%).
Simpulan: Nyamuk Anopheles spp masih rentan terhadap lambdacyhalothrin, sehingga lambdacyhalothrin masih dapat digunakan sebagai kontrol vektor di Kabupaten Purworejo
Kata kunci: Anopheles spp, lambdacyhalothrin. Status Kerentanan.
Title: Susceptibility Status of Anopheles spp. to Lambdacyhalothrin 0.05% in Pituruh Subdistrict, Purworejo District.
Background: Anopheles spp is a malaria mosquito vector in Purworejo Regency. The monitoring of the susceptibility status of Anopheles spp to insecticides not implemented. The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility status of Anopheles spp mosquitoes in Pituruh Subdistrict.
Method: The design of this study used quasi-experiment with samples of Anopheles spp mosquitoes as a result of F1 colonization The mosquitoes used for testing are female Anopheles spp mosquitoes. The total number of mosquitoes tested was 120 mosquitoes. Repetition was carried out 6 times with the details of 4 tubes as a treatment and 2 tubes as controls for each tube containing 20 mosquitoes.
Result: The results showed that the average knock down of Anopheles spp mosquitoes during the 60-minute exposure was 19 per repetition (92.5%). After a 24-hour holding, the average mortality of Anopheles spp mosquitoes was 20 per repetition (100%). Mosquito deaths reached 80 mosquitoes (100%) at 12 hours. In the control group, the number of mosquito deaths after 24 hours holding was 2 tails (0.5%), so there was no need to make corrections using the Abbots formula
Conclusion: Anopheles spp mosquitoes are said to be susceptible to lambdacyhalothrin so lambdacyhalothrin can still be used as vector control in Purworejo Regency
Keywords: Anopheles spp, lambdacyhalothrin. Susceptibility
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Last update: 2025-02-08 09:43:37