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Pengaruh Kekangan Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer pada Beton Self Compacting Menggunakan Agregat Kasar Daur Ulang terhadap Perilaku Beton

The Effect of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Restraints on Self Compacting Concrete Using Recycled Coarse Aggregates on Concrete Behavior

*Martinus Pramanata Sapeai  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia
Johannes Adhijoso Tjondro  -  Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

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Utilization of recycled concrete waste as an alternative to natural coarse aggregates in this experiment is in accordance with the concept of sustainable construction, with the self compacting concrete method. The concept of making test specimens is in accordance with real conditions in the field, where aggregates do not go through a cleaning process. Reinforcement of concrete elements using fibers that have been axially loaded has been widely implemented both as a fully wrapped and partially wrapped. There are three variants of mix design with an average compressive strength of 28 days required of 24, 28 and 32 MPa, respectively. There are three variants of CFRP as restraints on concrete cylinders, respectively 50, 75 and 100%. This experimental test shows that the SCC-RCA concept using ACI 211.1 meets the requirements. The effect of CFRP restraint on the compressive strength of SCC-RCA concrete restrained by one layer of CFRP produces the following equation fcc '= fc' + 3,7fl.
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Keywords: Recycled coarse aggregates; sustainable construction; self compacting concrete; compressive strength of concrete; carbon fiber reinforced polymer

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Last update: 2025-03-05 05:47:36

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