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Perilaku Dan Kinerja Struktur Dari Hasil Perancangan Bangunan Unconfined Masonry Dan Confined Masonry

Structure Behavior and Performance from Unconfined Masonry and Confined Masonry Building Design

*Alfien Hernanda Putra  -  Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Trisakti University, Indonesia
Ade Okvianti Irlan  -  Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Trisakti University, Indonesia

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Many buildings in Indonesia were damaged during the earthquake, especially non-engineered brick walls building. One example of non-engineered brick walls building is Bendung Village Head Office in Serang, Banten, which was damaged by the 2019 Pandeglang earthquake. This building was built without reinforced concrete beams and columns known as unconfined masonry buildings. In this study, the building will be redesigned with ETABS software to determine the similarities between the structural weaknesses from ETABS and the actual damage. The results of the structural analysis give a time period of 0.814 seconds, a base shear force of 195.5 kN, and a stress on the wall that is 50% similar to the real damage. Then, the same building was designed following the rules and regulations for earthquake resistant buildings in Indonesia so that it became a confined masonry building. The result is a time period of 1.586 seconds, a base shear force of 114.2 kN, and a brick wall that is not damaged when exposed to earthquake loads. However, the dimensions and reinforcement of beams and columns that comply with the minimum requirements for earthquake resistant buildings in Indonesia need to be enlarged because their strength capacity is exceeded by the working load.

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Keywords: Non-engineered buiding, brick walls, unconfined masonry, confined masonry

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Last update: 2025-03-13 10:40:33

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