BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Nusa19333, author = {Laura Retno Martini}, title = {Penindasan Perempuan Melalui Perkawinan dalam Novel Gadis Tangsi Karangan Suparto Brata}, journal = {Nusa: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, year = {2018}, keywords = {patriarchy; feminist; woman; marriage; oppression}, abstract = { Abstract Novel Gadis Tangsi is a material object in this research. This novel by Suparto Brata contains indirectly about women who experience sexual restriction through marriage. Women's space is deliberately restricted and even created not to resist male domination. Feminists see that literature is an effective means of socialization of patriarchal ideology, and the interpretation of literary works by readers who for long periods of time are conducted with the perspective of men. Therefore, the reading as woman 'reading as a woman' model is needed to deconstruct androsentric readings on male and female relation, especially in marriage. Through this approach also the reader will find concrete images of the condition of women in accordance with the reality. They will read, interpret and understand the female body. In the end, women who read will be able to free themselves from the frame constraints that limit their creativity and overhaul existing patriarchal systems. Intisari Novel Gadis Tangsi merupakan objek material dalam penelitian ini. Novel karangan Suparto Brata ini secara tidak langsung berisi tentang perempuan yang mengalami pembatasan seksualitas melalui perkawinan. Ruang gerak perempuan sengaja dibatasi bahkan diciptakan untuk tidak melawan dominasi laki-laki. Kaum feminis melihat bahwa sastra merupakan sarana efektif bagi sosialisasi ideologi patriarki, dan pemaknaan karya sastra oleh pembaca yang selama kurun waktu panjang dilakukan dengan perspektif laki-laki. Oleh karena itu, model reading as woman ‘membaca sebagai perempuan’ diperlukan untuk mendekonstruksi pembacaan androsentris tentang relasi laki-laki dan perempuan, terutama dalam perkawinan. Melalui pendekatan ini pula pembaca akan menemukan gambaran-gambaran konkret tentang kondisi perempuan sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada. Mereka akan membaca, menginterpretasi serta memahami tubuh perempuan. Pada akhirnya, perempuan yang membaca akan mampu membebaskan diri dari kungkungan frame yang membatasi kreativitas mereka dan merombak sistem patriarkat yang ada}, issn = {2597-9558}, pages = {283--290} doi = {10.14710/nusa.13.2.283-290}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Novel Gadis Tangsi is a material object in this research. This novel by Suparto Brata contains indirectly about women who experience sexual restriction through marriage. Women's space is deliberately restricted and even created not to resist male domination. Feminists see that literature is an effective means of socialization of patriarchal ideology, and the interpretation of literary works by readers who for long periods of time are conducted with the perspective of men. Therefore, the reading as woman 'reading as a woman' model is needed to deconstruct androsentric readings on male and female relation, especially in marriage. Through this approach also the reader will find concrete images of the condition of women in accordance with the reality. They will read, interpret and understand the female body. In the end, women who read will be able to free themselves from the frame constraints that limit their creativity and overhaul existing patriarchal systems.
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