Diponegoro University, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{PAROLE7874, author = {Dr. Nurhayati}, title = {REPRESENTASI PERISTIWA DALAM MEDIA (PEMBERITAAN PERISTIWA BANJIR DALAM SUARA MERDEKA)}, journal = {PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education}, volume = {4}, number = {2 Oct}, year = {2015}, keywords = {representation, ideology, discorse practice, social practice}, abstract = { Studies concerning the use of a language in media have atracted many social scientists because the studies are considered multi-disclipine studies covering linguistics, social sciences, and a communication science. This study discusses the way media practitioners manipulate a language to represent a flood phenomenon using a critical discourse analysis approach. The data are utterances in a hard news text taken from Suara Merdeka, February, 5, 2014. Using three steps of analysis, those are description, interpretation, and explanation, I come to the finding that in representing the phenomenon, the media practitioners conducted complex discourse practices. The lexicogrammar used implies the social practice happening to the society. Kajian tentang bahasa dalam media telah menarik minat para peneliti di bidang ilmu sosial karena kajian ini memerlukan ilmu lintas disiplin yang mencakupi antara lain linguistik, ilmu sosial, dan ilmu komunikasi. Makalah ini membahas cara awak media memanipulasi bahasa dalam merepresentasikan sebuah peristiwa banjir dengan menggunakan ancangan analisis wacana kritis. Data yang berupa teks hard news diambil dari Suara Merdeka tanggal 5 Februari 2014 dianalisis dengan menggunakan tiga tahapan, yaitu deskripsi, interpretasi, dan eksplanasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa berita yang tampaknya melaporkan peristiwa faktual tersebut ternyata merupakan hasil praksis wacana yang sangat kompleks. Penggunaan bahasa dalam pemberitaan tersebut mengimplikasikan praksis sosial yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat}, issn = {23380683}, pages = {32--54} doi = {10.14710/parole.v4i2 Oct.32-54}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/parole/article/view/7874} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Studies concerning the use of a language in media have atracted many social scientists because the studies are considered multi-disclipine studies covering linguistics, social sciences, and a communication science. This study discusses the way media practitioners manipulate a language to represent a flood phenomenon using a critical discourse analysis approach. The data are utterances in a hard news text taken from Suara Merdeka, February, 5, 2014. Using three steps of analysis, those are description, interpretation, and explanation, I come to the finding that in representing the phenomenon, the media practitioners conducted complex discourse practices. The lexicogrammar used implies the social practice happening to the society.
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