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Inovasi Manajemen Pelayanan Publik Tim Emergency Service Kabupaten Bantaeng

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Bantaeng an area that small territory, small population, small local revenues, frequent natural disasters, and frequent cases of fatal such as maternal mortality. To overcome this situation Local Government made Emergency Service Team. Emergency Service Teams provide services in new ways, namely by finding and serving the community in a proactive and integrated. This study uses exploratif qualitative method. Data collection techniques in research using interviews, observation, and documentation. Determination of the informant by purposive. Data analysis with hermeneutic. From the results of the study found that one of the factor supporting the success of the Emergency Service Team Bantaeng is Mixmanagement government and enterprises. The way are eliminate strategic waste, eliminate operational waste and mental mindset revolution with kaizen (continuous improvement).


Keywords: Innovation, Public Service Management, Emergency Service Team, Mixmanagement.

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Last update: 2025-02-10 03:36:10

  1. Public service motivation and job satisfaction as driving the quality of public services in disaster emergency

    Nurung J.. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 127 (1), 2019. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/235/1/012060