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Potensi Susu Basi menjadi Pupuk Organik dengan Penambahan Larutan Effective Microorganism 4 dan Cocopeat

The Potential of Stale Milk to Become Organic Fertilizer with the Addition of Effective Microorganism 4 and Cocopeat Solutions

*Nurlinda Ayu Triwuri  -  Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, Indonesia
Rosita Dwityaningsih  -  Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, Indonesia
Murni Handayani  -  Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, Indonesia

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In the milk, content is strongly associated with nutrients to increase the productivity of crop yields. The rest of the milk that has been consumed so far has only been wasted. This requires new innovations in the manufacture of organic fertilizer products. The purpose of this study was to determine the best composition comparison between stale milk, EM4 solution and cocopeat in the process of making liquid and solid organic fertilizer and determine the c-organic value, N total, total P2O5, K2O total, and pH value. Initial analysis of liquid organic fertilizer obtained pH values of 5.10, total P2O5 of 0.342% and total nitrogen of 0.569% at initial control (stale milk only) and final values of 1.010% of total P2O5, 1.113% of total nitrogen and 10.480% of organic carbon in R3 ( 30: 5: 1). Initial analysis of solid organic fertilizer obtained pH values 5.26%, 2.668% total P2O5, 0.952% K2O total and 2.780% N total at R1 (10: 5: 1) and final values obtained 1.578% P2O5total at R1 (10: 5: 1) , 2.937% N total in R2 and 43.912% c-organic in R3. This shows that stale milk with the addition of EM4 and cocopeat solutions has an effect on phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients in liquid and solid organic fertilizer.
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Keywords: Stale milk, EM4 solution, cocopeat

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