Journal Profile
(Updated 12nd December 2024)
Number of Documents: 1005
G Scholar Citation: 2440 click here
H-Index: 25
i10-Index: 83
Impact Factor: 0.825137 (IF SINTA)
SINTA: Accredited 2nd Rank
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Reviewer Guidelines
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Regional Case Study / Original Research Article / Review Article (delete one)
Instructions/Template for Preparing Manuscript for Jurnal Presipitasi: Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan (2023 Version) ← (16pt, bold)
Syafrudin1, Annisa Sila Puspita2*, Bimastyaji Surya Ramadan3 (12pt Bold)
(There is no limit to the number of authors, however normally a paper can consist of 5-6 authors)
1 Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Jalan Professor Soedarto, SH, Semarang, Indonesia 50275
2 Master of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia 50275
3 Department of Life and Environment Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan 808-0135 (Affiliation, 10pt Normal)
* Corresponding Author, email:
Abstract (12pt bold for title, 10pt normal for abstract content)
A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. For this reason, References should be avoided, but if essential, then cite the author(s) and year(s). Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. This abstract section should be typed in font size of 10pt and number of words of 150-200. The abstract section, 1.15 spacing should be used between lines in this article. The abstract should composed of: problem statement, method, scientific finding results, and short conclusion. The abstract should only be typed in one paragraph and one-column format.
Keywords: (10pt bold for title, 10pt normal for keyword content)
Immediately after the summary, list a maximum of 6 specific keywords separated by semicolon (;), using American English and avoiding common or plural words and multiple ideas. Only use abbreviations that are commonly accepted in the field. These keywords will be used to categorize and index the article. (e.g. Correlation; meteorogical factors; PM2.5; precursor NOx)
General Rules (Title 12pt bold)
Jurnal presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan contains original research, case study, and review article results in the environmental field that have never been published or are being considered for publication in other publications. Original research is the most common type of journal manuscript used to publish full reports of data from research. It may be called an Original Article, Research Article, Research, or just Article, depending on the journal rules. The original research article format is suitable for many different fields and different types of studies. It includes full Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. Case study article is articles report specific instances of interesting phenomena. A goal of case studies is to make other researchers aware of the possibility that a specific phenomenon might occur. This type of study is often used in medicine to report the occurrence of previously unknown or emerging pathologies. Review article is provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. They are often written by leaders in a particular discipline after invitation from the editors of a journal. Reviews are often widely read (for example, by researchers looking for a full introduction to a field) and highly cited. Reviews commonly cite approximately 100 primary research articles.Every article received by Jurnal Presipitasi is subject to a management/processing fee. Articles published in Jurnal Presipitasi are articles that have been subjected to peer-review processes. Articles published in the Jurnal Presipitasi are peer-reviewed before being published. The decision to accept whether or not an article is made by the Chief Editor in the Editor's Board Session forum is based on recommendations or comments from peer-reviewers.
The title of the article must be written briefly and clearly, and it must indicate exactly the problem to be raised, not to allow a variety of interpretations, written entirely in capital letters symmetrically. Article titles may not contain abbreviations that are not commonly used. First state the main idea of the new article followed by another explanation. Article title, author's name (without an academic degree), and author's affiliation address are left aligned on the first page under the article title. The distance between the lines between the title and the author's name is 1 spaces, while the distance between the author's affiliate address and the abstract title is 1 spaces. Keywords must be written below the abstract text for each language, arranged in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons with maximum of 6 specific keywords.
Corresponding Author must be marked with an asterisk "*" as in the example above. At the bottom of the left column of the first page / abstract, the author of the Corresponding Author must write the email address (see an example). Communication about article revisions and final decisions will only be communicated via the Author's Correspondence email. If the author is more than one, write the names of the authors separated by commas (,), and the sign "1" or "2" and so on to distinguish their affiliates. If the author's name consists of two words, the first word of the author (first name) should not be abbreviated. If the author's name consists of only one word, write the real name in one word, however in filling in the online version metadata must be written in two words that contain the same name (repeating) (Camdali & Tunc, 2006; Fridman, 2008).
Manuscripts that have fulfilled the instructions for writing a Jurnal Presipitasi (in MS Word format, according to the template of this article) must be sent online through the Online Submission System in the E-Journal portal Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan ( after registering as an Author in the "Register" section. If you experience difficulties in submitting manuscript manuscripts, please contact email:
Manuscripts written must contain the following components of scientific articles (subtitles in order), namely: (a) Article Title, (b) Author's Name (without title), (c) Author's Affiliate Address, (d) Abstract and Word Key, (e) Introduction, (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and Discussion, (h) Conclusions, (i) Acknowledgments (if any), and (j) References.
Writing subtitles in the content section of the article (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions) should be numbered in sequential arabic numeric format starting from number one. Subtitles are written in bold with the title case format and are arranged flat left without underline. Subtitles are written in bold in the Sentence case format and are arranged left aligned and use the second level numbering format.
Manuscripts written in English with a maximum number of 15 pages, including figures, tables, and references. Manuscripts must be written in accordance with the template of this article in the form of print ready (Camera ready). Articles must be written with A4 writing size (210 x 297 mm) and with the left, right, bottom and top margin formats 25.4 mm. The manuscript must be written in Constantia type font with a font size of 10pt (except the article title, author's name, sub-chapter title and abstract title), 1.15 spaces, and in one column format (except the article title section, author's name, and abstract). The distance between columns is 10 mm.
The word limit used in manuscript is 4,500-8,000 words including references. The minimum number of references is 20 references. New paragraphs begin 12.5 mm from the left border, while between paragraphs are not given a space between. All numbers are written in Arabic numbers, except at the beginning of the sentence.
Tables and figures are placed in the text group after the tables or figures are referred. Each picture must be given a title image (Figure Caption) below the image and numbered in Arabic numerals followed by the image title. Each table must be given a table title (Table Caption) and numbered in Arabic numerals at the top of the table followed by the table title. Images must be guaranteed to print clearly (font size, resolution and line size must be sure to print clearly). Figures and tables and diagrams / schemes should be placed according to columns between groups of text or if they are too large placed in the middle of the page. Tables should not contain vertical lines / grids, horizontal lines are allowed but only important ones. Images can be attached together with article uploads. The maximum number of tables and figures in the article is 10. If there are excess tables and figures, it can be sent in supplementary material.
Article Structure
The introduction must contain (in sequence) a general background, a previous literature review (state of the art) as a basis for the statement of scientific renewal of the article, a statement of scientific novelty, and a research problem or hypothesis. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the article should be written. In the scientific article format it is not permissible to review the literature as in the research report, but is manifested in the form of a previous literature review (state of the art) to demonstrate the scientific novelty of the article.
The research method is a procedure for how a research will be carried out to solve problems including the method of analysis. The methods contain the main equipment used in the research and the materials written here are only the main materials and must be stated with the brand and purity (for example: H2SO4 (Merck, 99%). Equipment written in the section this contains only the main equipment only stated with brands (for example: Electric furnace (Thermofisher). The supporting equipment components do not need to be written down. The main equipment series should be presented in this section supplemented with picture captions. Picture captions are placed as part of the title of the drawing (figure caption) is not part of the picture. The methods used in completing the research are written in this section. Please use SI units: commas (,) should be dot (.) in all text and you can see in
Table 1. The quality of water samples is Kaligarang, Semarang
Temperature (oC)
COD (mg/l)
Sample A
Sample B
Sample C
Result and Discussion
Heading level 2
Heading level 3
The results and discussion contain the results of research findings and the scientific discussion. Write scientific findings obtained from the results of research that has been done but must be supported by adequate data. The scientific findings referred to here are not the research data obtained. These scientific findings must be explained scientifically including:
What scientific findings were obtained?
Why does that happen?
Why are variable trends like that?
All of these questions must be explained scientifically, not only descriptive, if necessary supported by adequate basic scientific phenomena. In addition, it should be explained also the comparison with the results of other researchers who are almost the same topic. Research results and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction. Each equation is written in the middle of the column and given a number written in brackets and placed at the end of the right margin. Equations must be written using Equation Editor in MS Word or Open Office (Primack, 1983). For bullet and numbered list level 1 use identation with left 0.5 cm and right -0.11 cm. As for the bullet and numbered level 2 using identation with left 1.25 cm and right -0.11 cm. At level 1 heading should be type in bold font with a font size of 12pt. While on healing level 2 should type in bold font with a font size of 10pt. At level 3 headings should be typed in italic font and font size of 10pt.
The conclusions describe the answers to the hypotheses and/or research objectives or scientific findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repeat of the results and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected in the objectives or hypotheses. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion can also be written things that will be done related to further ideas from the research.
Acknowledgments are especially addressed to research funders or donors. Acknowledgments can also be conveyed to those who helped carry out the research. Please when writing acknowledgement without a number.
Ethics StatementThis study was conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines outlined by the [Name of the Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board (IRB)] of [Your Institution]. Ethical approval for this research was obtained under approval number [Approval Number]. All participants provided written informed consent prior to their involvement in the study, and their privacy and confidentiality were strictly maintained throughout the research process.For animal experiments, this study adhered to the principles of the [Relevant Animal Ethics Guidelines, e.g., ARRIVE Guidelines or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)]. All procedures involving animals were approved by the [Name of the Animal Ethics Committee] under approval number [Approval Number]. The welfare of the animals was ensured by minimizing discomfort and stress during all experimental procedures.
CRedit Author StatementAuthors must include a responsibility statement in their manuscripts, even for review-type articles, detailing each contributor's role. The required level of detail may differ: in some disciplines, contributions are distinct and easily outlined, while in others, collaboration occurs collectively across all stages of the process.
Author 1: Enter author name
Conceived and designed the analysis
Specify contribution in more detail (optional; no more than one sentence)
Collected the data
Contributed data or analysis tools
Performed the analysis
Wrote the paper
Other contribution
Specify contribution in more detail (required; no more than one sentence)
Every time you take data or cite statements from other libraries, the writer is obliged to write the source of the reference. All that is referred to in the text must be registered in the Bibliography section, and vice versa, everything written in the Bibliography must be referred to in the text (Wang et al., 2011). All references referred to in the article text must be registered in the Bibliography section. Bibliography must contain references that come from primary sources (scientific journals and a minimum of 80% of the total bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) references. Writing Bibliography should use reference management applications such as Mendeley, End Note, Zotero, or others. However, the author must keep checking independently of the bibliography that is generated because often the reference management application has format errors. The writing format used in the Jurnal Presipitasi is in accordance with the Elsevier Harvard 2 Citation Style format. Writing a bibliography using a reference management application needs to be checked one by one so that all quality sentences.
Reference style
All citations in the text should refer to:
1. Single author: the author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of
2. Two authors: both authors' names and the year of publication;
3. Ten or more authors: first author's name followed by 'et al.' and the year of publication.
Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references can be listed either first
alphabetically, then chronologically, or vice versa.
Examples: 'as demonstrated (Allan, 2000a, 2000b, 1999; Allan and Jones, 1999)…. Or, as demonstrated (Jones, 1999; Allan, 2000)… Kramer et al. (2010) have recently shown …'
List: References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if
necessary. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by
the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication.
References from Journal:
Sabour, M.R., E. Alam, and A.M. Hatami. 2020. Environmental and economic assessment of enhanced landfill mining in tehran. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(27), 34469-34483.
References from Online Newspaper:
Harlan, C. (2013, April 2). North Korea vows to restart shuttered nuclear reactor that can make bomb-grade plutonium. The Washington Post, A1, A4.
References from Books:
Mitchell, J.A. and Thomson, M. 2017. A guide to citation. 3rd edn. London: London Publishings.
References from Proceeding:
Ramadan, B.S. and Purwono. 2017. Challenges and opportunities of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) technology development in Indonesia. Sriwijaya International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (SICEST 2016) 101, 02018.
References from Dissertation/Thesis:
Kabir, J. M. 2016. Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University.
References from Patent:
Primack, H.S. 1983. Method of stabilizing polyvalent metal solutions. US Patent No. 4,373,104.
References from HandBook:
Tchobanogllous, G. 2002. Handbook of solid waste management. 2nd Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp.200-230.
Article Processing Charges
Jurnal Presipitasi is a fully open access international journal. Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge (fully Open Access) in order to enhance the readibility and citebility of articles. The author is subject to pay the article processing charges (APC) of IDR 800,000 per article, once the manuscript was accepted. The fast review process can be charged as much as IDR 1,500,000 per article. However, the fast review process cannot guarantee the acceptance of the article. This kind of review process can be asked through the “comment to editor” box upon submission. The cost of this publication is borne by the respective authors. It is important to be aware that the payment for the article processing charge (APC) can be made through bank transfer. The Corresponding Author will be provided with the details for the transfer along with an invoice. Once the payment is received, the Editorial Office will send a receipt. The accepted articles will not be published until the APC has been paid by the Author(s). The APC is used to cover the costs of maintaining the DOI registration and editing process of the fulltext PDF articles.
Guidelines to Submit the Manuscript
Manuscript submission is served by the Online Submission System in the E-Journal portal ( The manuscript is sent in the following 7 steps:
First, the author registers as an Author and/or Reviewer (checking roles as Author and/or Reviewer) in the "Register" section or address:
After the author is logged in as Author, click on "New Submission". The stages of article submission consist of 5 stages, namely: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation
In the Start section, select the Journal Section (Full Article), check all the checklist.
In the Upload Submission section, please upload the article manuscript file in MS Word in this section.
In the Enter Metadata section, enter data for all Authors and affiliates, followed by titles and abstracts, and indexing keywords.
In the Upload Supplementary Files section, it is permissible to upload supporting data files such as additional images, videos, tables, calculations, etc.
In the Confirmation section, please click "Finish Submission" if all data is correct.
Guidelines for Review Paper
If your article is an Article Review, after the introduction, you can adjust the next section with your article's needs. However, make sure the following considerations are available in your article:
Present a clear and good conceptual scheme for how the review is carried out, and specify the review scope clearly.
Ensure that the review has focused on aspects that are able to build broad perspectives and great interest for readers from various disciplines.
Do not just draw conclusions from existing literature, but also provide critical discussion that is scientifically capable of supporting the latest concepts in the field.
Don't just take part in the final project, thesis or dissertation!
Give interesting infographics and tables that contain conclusions from a variety of complete literature so as to explain the technological concept or mechanism of the articles that are reviewed clearly
Provide industrial cases and the application of technology or mechanism if available
Avoid taking pictures from other articles and should redraw the picture in a different form if possible
Mailing Addres:
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan
Departemen Teknik Lingkungan - Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang. Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Kode Pos 50275
Phone/Fax. 024 8453635
e-mail: (Editor in Chief)
Author’s checklist for manuscript submission
Important note:
a) The corresponding author is kindly advised to read this document carefully and fill this checklist on behalf of the co-authors and return it to the guest editors.
b) Kindly place a tick mark (√ meaning YES) or a cross mark (× meaning NO) in each row in order to confirm the approval/denial of the checklist.
c) Do not leave any box unanswered. This checklist will take at least 4-5 hours to complete and we encourage all the authors to check the manuscript carefully before answering the items specified with a √ or × sign.
d) The authors are advised to strictly follow the author guidelines of the journal and also the guidelines provided in the checklist by the guest editors.
e) Please provide the following details:
Manuscript title:
Corresponding author:
Email of the corresponding author:
Aspects to be carefully considered while preparing the manuscript
Indicate your response (√ or ×)
1) The title is concise and it reflects the contents of the manuscript
2) All the names and affiliations of the authors are written correctly
3) There is only one corresponding author for the manuscript
4) The manuscript should contain a list of keywords (mandatory):
- Provide a maximum of 6 keywords
- Avoid using abbreviations
5) Abstract is less than 200 words
- State briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions
6) Introduction
- Do not summarize the existing literatures in this section
- The main and specific objectives of this work are clearly specified as (i), (ii), (iii), etc. in the form of a continuous text
- Provide recent literature references on the topic
7) Materials and methods
- All the methods and techniques used in this study are clearly explained
- Source of biomass, inoculation, conditions tested, etc are specified
- The name of the instruments used, their model number, country of manufacture, etc are specified
- Grade of chemicals used in this study is mentioned
- Sample collection, pre-treatment done on the samples, etc, should be specified clearly
- Specify the analytical conditions used to quantify the samples, column specifications in the case of a gas chromatograph, etc
- Statistical analysis of the samples, the use of duplicate or triplicate measurements, analysis of variance (ANOVA), etc should be clearly stated in one sub-section
- Details of the software’s used should also be specified
8) Results and discussions
- Results and discussions can be separate or combined together
- If they are separate, avoid presenting the results once again in the discussions
- Provide more mechanism oriented scientific discussions and cite adequate literatures to support the facts presented in the manuscript
- Wherever applicable, provide stoichiometric equations and facilitate good science based discussions
9) Practical application and future perspectives (mandatory)
- Add a separate section before the conclusions and provide practical discussion on how the results obtained from this work can be applied in practice
- Highlight the limitations of this work and give your expert opinion on how things can be improved/designed better in the future
- Discuss the application of your work in developing countries
- Provide future research directions and give a wide perspective to the reader
10) Conclusions
- The take home message should be clear to the reader
- Present only the main conclusions drawn from your results
11) Acknowledgements
- Please do not thank the reviewer or the guest editors
- Thank the individuals/organization/government who provided help during this research (for sampling, analytical, funding for research, student fellowships, etc)
12) References
- Follow the authors guideline and check the formatting requirements of the journal carefully
- Check if all the names of the authors are correctly written (example: some Latin names have accents)
- If you are using a software, please manually check all the references line by line and correct all obvious errors made by the software
- Make sure that biological names are written in italics
- Check if all the publishing details are provided in references from book chapters, edited books, conference proceedings, internet reports, etc
- Make sure that all the references listed in the list are also cited in the main text and vice versa
13) Preparing graphs
- Make sure that the font size of the text is clearly readable
- All the units are correctly written (sub-script, super-script, etc)
- Do not use unwanted graph borders (box type)
- Make sure that the x and y axis lines are in black colour and not in grey colour
- Check if all the legends are clearly distinguished for the parameters that are represented in the graph
- The figure caption clearly explains the content displayed in the graph
- Do not use vertical or horizontal grid lines
- Use major tick marks (outside)
- Provide error bars in the profiles
- Do not use excessive colours in the graphs
- All the graphs should be professionally prepared
14) Preparing tables
- Avoid duplicating the values presented in the table and the text
- Wherever applicable, provide adequate standard deviation (SD) values
- Do not use vertical lines
- Check a recent issue of the journal to see the table formatting requirements
- Provide adequate footnotes below the table (if required)
15) Other comments
- Use proper English throughout the manuscript
- Please make sure that the entire manuscript is prepared using constantia font, size 10, with 1,15 spacing. This will help the reviewer to read the manuscript at ease and provide good feedbacks
- Please format the references carefully (both in text and also the reference list). Check a recent issue of the journal if you have doubts
- Avoid all punctuation errors in the manuscript
- Make sure that the tables, figures and equations are properly numbered and correctly cited in the text
- All biological names should be written in italics
16) In the case of a review paper
- Provide a good conceptual scheme of the review done, and define the scope of the review clearly
- Ensure that the review is focused on a particular environmental aspect, but it should provide broad perspective and interest to the readers from different disciplines
- Do not merely summarize all the existing literatures
- Provide critical scientific discussion and support new/emerging concepts in the field
- Please do not submit the literature review section from an existing MS or PhD thesis
- Provide adequate infographics that describes the concepts/technologies or mechanisms that was reviewed
- Check copyright requirements (in case of using already published figures or tables)
- Provide good summary tables of existing work(s), the conditions tested by others, important results obtained, etc
- Provide industrial case-studies wherever applicable
- Review of existing patents is also highly encourages
- The guest editors encourage authors of review papers to draw their own figures (or modified versions) rather than using figures published by other authors
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The author sends the manuscript and understands that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, the copyright of the article must be given to Jurnal Presipitasi, Diponegoro University as the journal publisher.Copyright includes the exclusive right to publish and provide articles in all forms and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and the like, as well as translations. The publication of every part of this journal, storage in databases and distribution such as electronic, electrostatic and mechanical copies, photocopies, records, magnetic media, etc., will be permitted only with written permission from Jurnal Presipitasi, Diponegoro University.Jurnal Presipitasi, Diponegoro University, the editors and Editorial of the International Advisory Board make every effort to ensure that no false or misleading data, opinions or statements are published in the journal. In any way, the contents of articles published in Jurnal Presipitasi, Diponegoro University are the sole and exclusive responsibility of each author.
The name and email address entered in this journal address will be used specifically for the purposes of this journal and will not be used for other purposes or other parties
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