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Evaluasi Efisiensi Kinerja Alat Pengendali Partikulat Cyclone dan Wet Scrubber Unit Paper Mill 7/8 PT. Pura Nusapersada Kudus

Performance Evaluation of Cyclone Particulate Controller and Wet Scrubber Unit in Paper Mill 7/8 PT. Pura Nusapersada Kudus

*Fauziyah Rahmawati  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Budi Prasetyo Samadikun  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Mochtar Hadiwidodo  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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The need is increasing in line with the high market demand for a product. One product that is widely used is paper. One of the recycled paper industries is PT. Pura Nusapersada Unit Paper Mill 7/8, where the production process uses water vapor from a coal-fired boiler. This process can produce ash that can pollute the air so that air pollutant control devices such as cyclones and wet scrubbers are needed. It is necessary to evaluate the efficiency of the cyclone and wet scrubber by knowing the specifications and working principles of the tool, the emissions produced, the effectiveness of the equipment, the factors that influence, problems, operation, and maintenance. The method used is direct observation, interviews, data in the form of documents, references, and routine reports. The cyclone used is a multi-cyclone type, and the wet scrubber is a venturi scrubber type. From the calculations that have been done, the efficiency of the Hitachi Boiler is 94.195%, and the Hamada II Boiler is 96.844%. The boiler produces emissions that meet quality standards for the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 07/2007. The efficiency calculation should be done once a year so that the quality of the equipment is monitored and does not pollute the surrounding air quality.
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Keywords: Air pollution control, cyclone, wet scrubber, recycled paper industry

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