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Analisis Komposisi Tumbuhan di Kawasan Sabuk Hijau Waduk Palasari

Analysis of Plant Composition in the Green Belt Area of Palasari Reservoir

*Ni Made Wedayani  -  Universitas Mahasaraswati, Indonesia
Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti  -  Universitas Mahasaraswati, Indonesia
I Ketut Widnyana  -  Universitas Mahasaraswati, Indonesia

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Palasari Reservoir is the largest reservoir on the Bali island that serves as a water provider to meet the surrounding community's needs. The condition of the reservoir directly adjacent to the Palasari Forest makes the vegetation area around the reservoir play an essential role in maintaining groundwater reserves and reducing erosion in the reservoir area. This study aims to analyze the structure of vegetation and diversity and conservation efforts in the Palasari Reservoir green belt area. The method used is the density index, Shannon-Wiener index, the Simpson index, and the importance value index (INP) to determine plants' ecological position in a community. The results showed that the plants that had a role in the Palasari Reservoir green belt community included bananas, mahogany, and spathodea, which were demonstrated by the highest INP's ranging from 20.83%, 20.24%, and 19.80%. These three types of plants are adaptive and can reduce erosion. The value of plant diversity in the study area is moderate, with the dominance of species diversity at the tree level. Efforts to conserve green belts sustainably need to be done by increasing the number of endemic plants in reservoir areas such as pulai and bayur. Every element of society needs to watch out for it to maintain the regional identity.
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Keywords: conservation; green belt; reservoirs; vegetation

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