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*Raymond Godwin scopus  -  BINUS University, Indonesia
Fanny Chairunnisa  -  BINUS University, Indonesia
Rani Agias Fitri  -  BINUS University, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Psikologi

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Hoaxes have become a common phenomenon in Indonesia. The Indonesian Telematics Society Survey shows that even though Indonesian people understand the way in recognizing hoaxes, they Indonesia are not sure of being able to immediately recognize hoaxes. Based on previous studies, there are two reasons that lead to lack of the assuredness, namely, the idleness in using thinking skills and ignorance of hoax indicators in the news they read. This study aims to find the correlation between avoidance behavior toward information that can indicate hoax, critical skill, and individual perception of easiness in obtaining the information regarding hoaxes. Information Avoidance Scale and the Critical Skill dimensions of the Digital Literacy Scale were adapted to Bahasa Indonesia to measure the tendency of information avoidance and critical skills. Whereas an instrument to measure the perception of the easiness to obtain information was constructed independently. The results indicate that critical skills and perceptions of the easiness to obtain information have a negative correlation with the tendency to avoid information. However, because the correlation is poor, critical skills and perceptions of the easiness to obtain information do not adequately explain a person's tendency to avoid information that can help him to recognize hoaxes. 

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Keywords: hoaxes; information avoidance; fake news; critical skills
Funding: Bina Nusantara Foundation

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    Mikhael Ardi Kristiawan, Sri Agustin Rahayuningsih, Divania Ardyanti Endipermatasari Ismaningtyas, Revina Utami Fatin Putri, Tika Yuranti, Himmatul ‘Ulya, Syarifah Haniyah, M. Alifka Rizki, Agda Rismafuri Mukti Kirana, I Gusti Ngurah Putu Rama Satria Wibawa, Basith Albaroni, Ghaliya Afra Yasmine, Gwyneth Norton Sudjaya, Aisyah Hasna Kirana, Nurul Shaffiqa, Andi Hermansyah. Jurnal Farmasi Komunitas, 9 (2), 2022. doi: 10.20473/jfk.v9i2.32929

Last update: 2025-03-12 19:45:09

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