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Factors Affecting the Affective Identity-Motivation to Lead (AI-MTL) of Lecturers: Case Study in X Unversity

*Immanuel Yosua  -  Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya,, Indonesia
Hana Panggabean  -  Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya,, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 Jurnal Psikologi

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This study aims to explore the effect of Leadership Self-Efficacy (LSE), Past Leadership Experience (PLE),
Organizational Identification (OI), and Perceived Job Stress as an Academic Leader (PJSAL) on Affective
Identity-Motivation to Lead (AI-MTL) of lecturers at the X University simultaneously. This study also aims to
explore the role of LSE in mediating relationship between PLE and AI-MTL as well as between PJSAL and AI-
MTL. A total of 125 X University lecturers participated in this study (male: 53, female: 72; age range between
26-71 years old), with data collected through an online questionnaire. Data analysis then was performed using the
Hierarchical Multiple Regression and Mediation Analysis. The result shows that there is a simultaneous effect of
LSE, PLE, OI, and PJSAL, in predicting AI-MTL of lecturers at the X University, F(4, 120) = 63.520, p < .001.
All variables can explain 67.9% of the AI-MTL variation, R2 = .679. Meanwhile, PJSAL does not provide any
meaningful contribution to the AI-MTL variation. In addition, this study also confirms the role of LSE in
mediating the relationship between PLE and AI-MTL partially, c’ = 1.0508, p < .001, and fully mediating the
relationship between PJSAL and AI-MTL, c’ = -.006, p > .05. These results emphasize the strong need to identify
talents by using those factors, especially when universities have difficulty in finding their prospective leaders.

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Keywords: leadership self-efficacy; past leadership experience; organizational identification; perceived job stress as an academic leader; affective-identity motivation to lead

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Last update: 2025-02-21 20:06:07

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