BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Reaktor8376, author = {Amir Husin and Sarto Sarto and Siti Syamsiah and Imam Prasetyo}, title = {PRODUKSI BIOHIDROGEN DARI HIDROLISAT AMPAS TAHU SECARA FERMENTASI ANAEROB MENGGUNAKAN KULTUR CAMPURAN}, journal = {Reaktor}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, year = {2014}, keywords = {ampas tahu; produksi hidrogen; perlakuan asam}, abstract = { Ampas tahu merupakan produk samping industri pengolahan tahu berbahan dasar kacang kedelai (Glysine max.). Dalam studi ini, ampas tahu yang telah mengalami perlakuan-awal dengan metode yang berbeda dikonversi menjadi hidrogen menggunakan kultur campuran. Pengaruh perlakuan-awal asam satu-tahap (0,5% dan 10% berat HCl) dan dua-tahap (tahap I 0,5% dan tahap II 10% berat HCl) terhadap sakarifikasi ampas tahu juga diinvestigasi. Lebih lanjut, pengaruh perlakuan awal asam satu-tahap maupun dua-tahap terhadap produksi hidrogen dan efisiensi degradasi gula tereduksi dibandingkan. Yield total gula-tereduksi 503,73 mg/g ampas tahu diperoleh dari perlakuan-awal asam dua-tahap. Nilai ini kurang lebih 4 kali lebih tinggi dibanding hasil dari perlakuan-awal asam satu-tahap menggunakan 0,5% berat HCl. Studi produksi biohidrogen dilakukan secara batch menggunakan kultur campuran dengan kondisi reaksi 35 o C dan pH awal 6,5, Hasil percobaan menunjukkan, bahwa yield hidrogen kumulatif maksimum 0,928 mmol/g ampas tahu diperoleh dari perlakuan asam dua-tahap atau meningkat 1,8 kali dibanding perlakuan satu-tahap menggunakan 0,5% berat HCl. Key words : ampas tahu, perlakuan asam, produksi hidrogen Abstract Tofu solid waste is one of the by-products of tofu-processing industry. In this study, batch experiments were carried out to convert tofu solid waste pretreated by different methods into hydrogen using mixed culture. The effects of one-stage (0.5% or 10% HCl) and two-stage (first stage 0.5% HCl) and second stage 10% HCl) pretreatments on the saccharification of tofu solid waste were also studied. Furthermore, the effects of and/or two- stages acid pretreatments on hydrogen production and degradation efficiencies the reducing-sugar (RS) were compared. A maximum total RS yield of 503.73 mg/g-tofu solid waste was obtained from substrate pretreated with two-stages method. It was approximately 4-fold greater than that from substrate pretreated with one-stage method using 0.5% wt HCl. At the reaction condition of 35 o C, initial pH = 6.5, and RS concentration based on 2 grams of tofu solid waste pretreated, a maximum cumulative hydrogen yield was 0.928 mmol/g-tofu solid waste from substrate pretreated with two-stages method. It was approximately 1.8-fold greater than that from substrate pretreated with one-stage method using 0.5% wt HCl. The results show that two-stage acid preteatment can enhancing the amount of reducing sugar in the mixture and hydrogen yield from tofu solid wastes. }, issn = {2407-5973}, pages = {87--96} doi = {10.14710/reaktor.15.2.87-96}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Ampas tahu merupakan produk samping industri pengolahan tahu berbahan dasar kacang kedelai (Glysine max.). Dalam studi ini, ampas tahu yang telah mengalami perlakuan-awal dengan metode yang berbeda dikonversi menjadi hidrogen menggunakan kultur campuran. Pengaruh perlakuan-awal asam satu-tahap (0,5% dan 10% berat HCl) dan dua-tahap (tahap I 0,5% dan tahap II 10% berat HCl) terhadap sakarifikasi ampas tahu juga diinvestigasi. Lebih lanjut, pengaruh perlakuan awal asam satu-tahap maupun dua-tahap terhadap produksi hidrogen dan efisiensi degradasi gula tereduksi dibandingkan. Yield total gula-tereduksi 503,73 mg/g ampas tahu diperoleh dari perlakuan-awal asam dua-tahap. Nilai ini kurang lebih 4 kali lebih tinggi dibanding hasil dari perlakuan-awal asam satu-tahap menggunakan 0,5% berat HCl. Studi produksi biohidrogen dilakukan secara batch menggunakan kultur campuran dengan kondisi reaksi 35oC dan pH awal 6,5, Hasil percobaan menunjukkan, bahwa yield hidrogen kumulatif maksimum 0,928 mmol/g ampas tahu diperoleh dari perlakuan asam dua-tahap atau meningkat 1,8 kali dibanding perlakuan satu-tahap menggunakan 0,5% berat HCl.
Key words : ampas tahu, perlakuan asam, produksi hidrogen
Tofu solid waste is one of the by-products of tofu-processing industry. In this study, batch experiments were carried out to convert tofu solid waste pretreated by different methods into hydrogen using mixed culture. The effects of one-stage (0.5% or 10% HCl) and two-stage (first stage 0.5% HCl) and second stage 10% HCl) pretreatments on the saccharification of tofu solid waste were also studied. Furthermore, the effects of and/or two- stages acid pretreatments on hydrogen production and degradation efficiencies the reducing-sugar (RS) were compared. A maximum total RS yield of 503.73 mg/g-tofu solid waste was obtained from substrate pretreated with two-stages method. It was approximately 4-fold greater than that from substrate pretreated with one-stage method using 0.5% wt HCl. At the reaction condition of 35oC, initial pH = 6.5, and RS concentration based on 2 grams of tofu solid waste pretreated, a maximum cumulative hydrogen yield was 0.928 mmol/g-tofu solid waste from substrate pretreated with two-stages method. It was approximately 1.8-fold greater than that from substrate pretreated with one-stage method using 0.5% wt HCl. The results show that two-stage acid preteatment can enhancing the amount of reducing sugar in the mixture and hydrogen yield from tofu solid wastes.
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JURNAL REAKTOR (p-ISSN: 0852-0798; e-ISSN: 2407-5973)
Published by Departement of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University